How would a half-tucked bright blue or citron top look with this? I'm on the fence, but I think it could work as a casual spring/summer piece.

Well, I have *one* citron knit top that might go with it, but that's about it for applying the suggestions. Don't get me wrong, everyone had wonderful ideas and I am VERY thankful for the help, but it seems my wardrobe cannot support them. Sad becuse I love the skirt, but I don't want to have to go out and buy things to make it work. I've uncovered a wardrobe hole for summerweight knits, but I don't know that summerweight knits will keep me warm in the office.

I think sometimes buying a special top that goes with a special skirt is necessary. :-/ maybe you'll have some thrifting luck? And then you'd have that special top that might work for more of your wardrobe or future skirt purchases...

Do you not have a chambray or denim button up? Or you are really against tucking and/or perhaps that would be considered too casual for your work environment?

Try your citron knit, and I like Nicole's chambray idea -- if the end outfit could go to work on Fridays. . .

Angie has said how skirts are so often orphaned because of how hard it is to find the 'right' tops.

It really is a cute skirt on you and if you give up on it for this summer, I'd still put it somewhere for a while (the season? a year?) because you just might unintentionally come home with a top that's fab for it!

I don't have a denim shirt and cant wear them to work, but I could keep an eye out for something else if you guys think it's woth it. I had my eye out for an orange woven top but maybe i should look for a knit instead. Does anyone have a pic of somme lightweight uwp knitwear that seems appropriate?

Rae, I think you can UWP-fy any basic lightweight knit top. I do wear tons of GAP basic knits in summer. I think those are the type of items that act as a canvas. You can make anything out of them.
I'll try to look for some things later today. I have to fix my computer first. My firewall is randomly blocking all images from sites. I guess it is a blessing when you are SYC... LOL

Oooh I love love love this skirt Rae (I'd wear it myself!)! I think any thin gauge light colored sweater would work.