Oh, wow. For this jacket, it’s worth making occasions — which will have to be down the road. I can’t imagine the opera actually disappearing. Maybe a future cruise with your SO in memory of your mom? Hold a Chadwick Bozeman tribute party? That man had the most amazing collection of blazers. Sit in your restaurant incognito with dark glasses so tourists who wander in can wonder about the identity of the celebrity before their eyes. Hard decision in the context of life these days and how we see the future.

Chiming in again because of my own pat and current experiences with “special“ wardrobe items and some of the very good comments by others.

It seems to me there are a group of related, but not exactly the same, types of clothing purchase. decisions. One is a “ spendy “ type buy on an item that’s smack- on for lifestyle- perfejesns for jeans- wearers, brilliant handbag, long- lived trench coat, blazer that goes with everything best boots ever- these wouldn’t have to be neutral or conservative but definitely lifestyle mainstays but a big budget commitment. Another is, “ this is the perfect LBD ( or little navy dress, or little burgundy dress) I’d wear once or twice a year and feel perfectly dressed. Bother is statement item that can’t be worn often but you know you have at least some occasions post- pandemic - “ this is what I’d wear out to dinner, to movies, theater”. Cost fits into all of course, not just a CPU, but what else has to be not- bought and is that ok and whether having something hanging and seldom- worn feels ok, good, “ secure” vs. a reproach.

I know these are all things I’ve thought about in pandemic- retirement- finding new directions life.

Thank you for the comments, I am still undecided about the jacket because of imaginary lifestyle issues. Plus the tailoring it will require, although I could wear the sleeves scrunched. There are no tailors in my county any more although I could try harder to find someone on CraigsList or drive a couple hours to find one.

I do appreciate the styling suggestions from so many of you! Especially to wear lighter denim rather than dark. These are Rag & Bone ankle Ninas which I was trying on for size. I am confident I'm keeping them but not sure what size yet.

PS -- The jacket looks beautiful in motion.

PPS - It is on sale at 60% off at $238 which is about what it seems worth. It's from the brand Cinq a Sept which specializes in cocktail attire. This is my first time with this brand.

I think it's beautiful. The colors are great on you. And at that price, too!

I'm all about imaginary lifestyles: Be the tree falling in the woods on its own with no-one there to see it, if it makes you happy.

Denise, the blazer looks ABSOLUTELY KILLER. You have been through soooo much this year. This makes you happy - keep it. Treat yourself!

We don't need to be practical all the time. You will wear it. It shan't date. Doggies and Dan will admire it too

OMG YOU SUPER NEED IT!! Srsly it was made for you.


Okay, at that price keep it assuming it is reasonably well made. And wear it while watching online opera or at least Hamilton. But you can wear jeans in the bottom.

I think it is ABSOLUTELY stunning on you tbh. If you think you would wear it - even if only for special occasions - and the financial math works for you, then I am supportive of you keeping it!

In fact, I think you should wear it to work just to annoy your employee!

Coming back to say that if you don't buy it, at some point in the future you will have the exact perfect occasion for it, and you will kick yourself for passing it by...

Just sayin.

MsMary, LOL at TREAT YOSELF! My stepson’s wife’s favorite phrase. Along with YAAAAS.

I think that is a goos price for such a gorgeous jacket too. I know that sale prices are not a sole reason for a purchase, but it sure does help when it’s as fabulous as this jacket.

I love it! Can you picture wearing it during a "normal" year? You might be surprised at the chances to wear it.

What does your SO think of the jacket? You absolutely do not need his approval, but if he hates the jacket you will probably be less apt to wear it, at least when you are together.

Wow. This is a fabulous jacket, really lovely. And while the pattern and colors make it spring-like, the fabric would take it through fall and winter, too. It is just gorgeous and the fit is fantastic, too. I know how terrible it is to buy something that gets almost no wear, but I think I'd make an occasion to wear this jacket!

Great to see you, Coco!:-) Who cares what people say??? (I know, I know...I also care some...but not that much anymore...:-)). Love your last look(I always scrunch sleeves on blazers!) for a dressy Xmass or other event & you could try it with some white jeans, too! Then you have to love it dearly to keep it in your closet for so long and wear so seldomly.

Looks great on you! BC19 though, is this something you wouldv'e worn enough to justify buying? Or- would you feel that since it's a statement that you wouldn't want to wear it too often? And, does it work for your climate/ feel comfortable to layer a coat over?

I am late and I haven't read what everyone has said, but I am hoping you hang onto this because it is SUCH a glorious mood lifter, looks spectacular, will never date, and will always make you happy. Please keep! You look beautiful in it. Honestly. And it also feels so "you." I remember some early photos (I mean when I first joined the forum) and I think you had a glam velvet jacket with paisley...I might be wrong but I know the pattern speaks to you and works well in your closet. Please keep!

I rarely comment on these types of “should I buy it” threads because I don’t like being an enabler BUT I’m making an exception here, Denise. BUY IT!

Like MsMary and Suz point out, this jacket fits your style like the proverbial glove. Scrunch the sleeves if you can’t get to the tailor—or roll up cuff if you’re feeling insouciant—and wear the jacket knowing you are the rare woman who can own this look!

Please buy it....you look truly amazing and the price is right.

Last minute shopping for a special occasion is just so dreadful, often we end up settling for something that is just OK. Think how happy you will be when you just open your closet and slip into your beautiful jacket.

The thumbnail caught my eye when scrolling to the end of the home page....sorry I missed the post when it happened. This is an outstanding jacket, and enhances your natural prettiness. Who knows when and where one would wear it, but ...
And - I don't know how you do your outfit selfies and with what equipment, but I'm in envy of your skill . The blank slate of the bedroom you are in (?) is beautiful itself.

Just chiming in here to add my voice to the chorus: I hope you keep! it's beautiful on you, and beauty is so important these days.

Also, what color are the walls in your bedroom? They remind me of the kitchen in my old house (painted a color called Plantain). I adore it. (And it's amazing with that jacket!)

So late to this party, but unless you think you would never wear it, I’d go for it if it makes your heart sing! Looking at you in it makes my heart sing...I like Rachylou’s comments especially.

I love it how you are wearing it in this try-on, especially open, where we see the long line of the jeans. Such a gorgeous jacket on you! What a hard decision. Lots of great comments here. From the start, I was leaning "keep." You wouldn't need to shorten the sleeves before wearing it; they look great scrunched and rolled.