Wow, these are gorgeous! I love shibori and tie dye, and these look beautifully done and work so well with your style! I see what you mean about the first one (that would make me twitchy too, even though I would tell myself it was fine...), but maybe you could semi-tuck that side and no one would be the wiser, especially since the horizontal line is level at the bust where the pattern starts. Love the diagonal ones too. You are very talented and have such a good eye.

Love both your notes on process and the end result...

Amazing! The patience! The determination! The skill! The end result! And they look even more smashing on you.

Brooklyn, I’ve been playing with this today, using the Arashi technique but am not coming up with a consistent result. I’m getting some lines on the outer edges of my shirt but not the middle. Which technique did you use, fan fold or pole wrap?

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Lana, that looks pretty good! I used a fan fold and tied with elastic bands. I can’t use a pole wrap because I dye in the machine. No poles in the machine! I did try a work around involving lots of scrunching of the fabric. I think I posted about that in Part 2, but it didn’t come out that great.

When you wrap around the pole are you scrunching the fabric down at the same time? They make it look easy on YouTube, but it did seem a bit tricky to me.

Thanks, I did tie with string and scrunch but with the extra layers of a tee, I’m only getting the design on the parts on the top of the wrap, so I need to do more research on this! Love your results.