Agreed Angie, there is not a lot here that says to me “try me, you or someone you know could look really good in this”. I do like looks #1, 3, 17 and 29; but then, it is hardly possible to go wrong with these all-time classic, tried-and-tested silhouettes. #33 and 37 are my faves for a low-key, but distinctly now, 2013 feel. The soft shiny metallic fabric in muted mid-colours does look gorgeous and is the best part of the show, and I do hope to see it in the shops in due course. The futon/bolster-size fur coats and capes in #38-41 are too hefty for my liking - and I so don’t get the point of #21- it just looks as if the designer was too lazy to style the knicker-shorts, or ran out of ideas. After all, a head-to-toe LOOK is what viewers are hoping to see, so I think a designer needs a Very Good Reason to send a model out half-dressed. Yet those knicker-style shorts are everywhere on the catwalks and have been for a while -- so it seems about a year too late to suddenly showcase them as if they are the Next New Thing.
But I did love the hair. And were those actually mullets I could see ? Back in the day, I used to ROCK a mullet. Nostalgia is so irrational… can’t wait to see some of those great hairstyles of the seventies reinvented.