The Loehmann's in Atlanta had communal mirrors, and I was never bothered by other people trying on clothes around me. I'm fine with that. The fitting room attendant was courteous and pleasant and kept her distance unless specifically asked. Loehmann's understood the niceties of the communal mirrors area.
What I'm not fine with is trying to really look at myself and assess, and immediately some sales associate is chirping at me and asking me if everything is okay, and do I want any other sizes, and blahblahblahblahblah. All I want is a moment of quiet to look at what I've tried on, and decide whether this is something that I'm excited about, and whether it will work with what I already have.
That, in a nutshell, is what drives me crazy about Aritzia. You have one foot out of the dressing room, and a sales associate apparates in front of you like freakin' Harry Potter, jabbering a mile a minute about other sizes.
Got a newsflash for ya, Dobby the Elf... there's never another size. I'm willing to wait here awkwardly, half undressed, while you go check, but I already know. There are no other sizes. Size up, size down... there have never been other sizes in anything I've tried on, that fit me. I just want to put all of my clothes back on, and slink on out of this chaos.
There. My mini-rant is complete. Carry on.