Suz, that palette looks quite right to me, except for perhaps, as you mention, the warmer yellow-greens.

I am sometimes but rarely drawn to yellow, so it’s interesting to see a handful of yellow shades in that chart. I had a cotton butter-yellow jacket way back in the 80s that actually didn’t seem awful on me if I had a little tan. Funny aside, it was a gift from a boyfriend, and I just recently reconnected with him on social media, and he came to my art opening! Just friendly, of course, but it was fun to remember him and that jacket. I think it was by Mistral, if anyone remembers that company — they did sporty surfer and ski stuff. Edit: I think I found a pic online! I remember it being not quite that pale though.

I think you’re right that we both skew a bit to the cooler side of our spectrums. But that yellow vest does look pretty darn good on you! I have a neon yellow shirt from a race I ran ten years ago, and it’s great high-vis, but the color is pretty dreadful on me! LOL

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JAileen -- you could well be a neutral -- and I think it is likely you are a "soft" rather than a "bright." The olives and sages look especially good on someone with that colouring and you wear those SO well.

You could test it a bit with some of your pinks. Are you more flattered by a salmon pink or a cooler pink? If you are neutral, you can probably wear both, but one will be better than the other. On me, it's obvious that a cooler pink looks better, though if you put me in a salmony pink it without comparing, it doesn't look hideous.

Janet, so cool about the ex-boyfriend. I can imagine you in that soft butter yellow, as long as it had clarity. ! I love yellows but have steered away from wearing them since I was a kid since anything mustardy looks worse than death on me. We do have gold/ yellow walls in our house, though!

So glad you found a color system that makes sense to you.

I checked it out Suz and I am typing myself as a Cool-bright-medium. There are three stories here for me.
Younger me was a natural very dark brunette (with auburn undertones), light blue/grey eyes and fair skin. I felt that I was a Winter then and all cool colours worked for me, so did some other colours like certain yellows and reds (maybe Cool/bright Spring or Summer??),. I could mostly where any colour except mustard, oatmeal, mango-ish yellow. I looked better in bright white.
Silver haired me needed contrast and saturated colour. Even though I was so cool (skin, hair, eyes) all lights and no contrast did not look good. Neither did pastels, which previously looked good with my dark hair (maybe only cool pastels looked good in both cases - lilac comes to mind). Optic white did not look so good either. Peach and Spring green looked awful.
Copper haired me (fading to peachy blonde) can still wear all of the above although creams now suit me for the first time ever. Peach and spring green look good again. So do earthy rusts, etc.
Still not sure about my exact type but not sure that matters as I really know what works and what does not. If I remember correctly you had natural red in your blonde hair years ago (I had auburn in my natural dark hair)so now I think our palettes are very similar. The only major difference I can tell is you look amazing in optic white and I do not, so there is some subtle differences. I am not entirely cool as my hair was never blue-black, and while my skin is fair/pink it can tan to a goldy colour so there is an element of warm. I think this is why the peachy copper hair is also working for me. I must say that surprised me. I never thought anything but cool Scandi blonde would match. Just shows how complex each individual's colour combinations are!

I watched the video while doing laundry (heheh) and it was interesting. I like some of this color analysis not to prescribe colors, but to help explain the whys of the enduring appeal of certain colors on me. I think I’ve always had good instincts in this department, but the analysis helps.

I’m pretty sure I’m cool-deep-bright, although maybe a little more medium-deep with my greying hair, and my preferences lean perhaps a bit more muted than pure bright tones. It makes total sense to me when she explains how certain warmer colors that may not be the most universally flattering can be made more workable by softening or muting the color with white or black, rather than wearing the purest brightest version. It explains why bright orange can be hard for me to wear, but a rust version works better.

Along the same lines, warmer shades like brown fall totally flat on me when they are light like beige and tan, but deepen them to a cocoa brown and they’re workable.

Thanks for the link!

Star, that is so interesting! As you say, your exact type doesn't matter so much as knowing what works -- and why. Your story suggests how individual we are, for sure, and also how dyeing our hair can alter the profile somewhat, and that gives us new options to play with. You have the information and now you can pick and choose, depending on where your hair is at, at any given time.

I was born a strawberry blonde! But quickly turned into a towhead (very light blonde) toddler, and then darkened with puberty to a mousy dark blonde (that I highlighted, of course). I can tan lightly too -- with sunscreen (I will burn without it). My skin tone is cool-neutral but my eyes and hair are (now) entirely cool. When I was blonde there was some warmth to my hair. But if it started turning brassy or was too yellow a blonde, my face would immediately look reddish and sick, which shows those cool undertones predominate.

I dyed my hair an auburn colour in my 30s for a while. Except for the speed at which it faded out, I loved it! It suited me, too. But I did change the colours I wore to a degree. I wore more chocolate brown, more purple, and more greens. I continued to wear my blues. My reds didn't work as well on me. In fact, red looked best on me in early childhood (around the age of 7) and now. In between, it was trickier to get right. I think that was due to the various dyes.

,Janet yes -- I can see that -- deep maybe makes more sense, but verging toward medium now that those greys are softening the overall look. And you absolutely have great instincts! It's your artist's eye. It's quite intuitive for you, I think. It is intuitive also for me (though I'm not an artist) but I like the simple explanations and the recognition that just because one's colouring is on the lighter side, low contrast, and cool doesn't necessarily mean one is muted (which is what the seasonal systems all posit.)

Suz I had yellow blonde hair for a while (not intentionally) and it was horrible! It made my skin look ruddy and generally I looked ill too.

It’s been a few years since I looked at Your Color Style.  One nice aspect of her palettes is you can pull out colors that don’t work and add those from another palette that do.  Based on what I could tell, I best fit light, cool, soft, however, she recommended that people with silver hair err towards bright.  I have both the soft and bright palettes and prefer the soft although I can also wear many of the brights. 

The medium palette is mostly too dark however, I do think it would have worked better with my natural pre-grey hair color, light-medium ash brown.

Staysfit, that sounds exactly like where I'd have typed you by this system -- in fact I thought of you often as I read and watched her videos. Light cool soft but with a few brighter tones thrown in, perhaps. I agree, medium would likely be too dark for you now with the silver hair.

Went down the rabbit hole yesterday, and decided on the warm medium to deep. But not sure I agree with cutting the warmer purple quarter out. If anything, I'd take out the coolest blues and purples.

Medium to deep depends on where my hair is in the dye cycle. When the color is fresh, it's about an 8-8.5 on darkness scale, but it fades to lighter brown, plus I have greys. The darkest colors all round are definitely my comfort zone, and even true black (if not shiny) works well.

My skin appears truly warm, and 5-6 darkness. I don't think I'm olive. My undertone (according to Prescriptives a kazillion years ago) is yellow orange. They were the first place I found foundation that actually matched my skin, so going with that!

Brighter or more muted is trickier. She said dark= bright, though the very darkest colors looked similar (on my tiny screen) on both wheels. My eyes are hazel, which to me indicates more muted than green or blue eyes. I'm all round low- medium value contrast, depending on hair cycle. To me low contrast would seem muted, but Angie (when blonder) and Nuancedream are bright and low contrast.

There was another system that had both grey and brown muted types. With that, if I'd be considered muted, I'd be a browned not greyed muted.

So TL/DR warm medium- deep it is

Suz, it’s interesting that you had strawberry blond hair at an earlier age, and I agree you rock that yellow. I am a fan of citrus yellows that have some green mixed in. My yellow is also much softer than yours and maybe closer to the color Janet picked. I think the blue in the next photo is fairly bright yet it is a pastel from the light summer palette. I include it to show that pastel does not have to mean washed out or faded. Also, I’m about to dive into a color type hole so feel free to pass if you’re not interested.

Something Jen did clarify in an easier for me to understand way is the difference between soft and muted. They are not the same, although I thought they were for a long time. My coloring for example is more soft than bright. I have pale/fair olive skin, which I think has caused a lot of confusion. Apparently my coloring can appear muted to some people and slightly warm to others. I can have yellowish-green overtones especially in the summer. I also have rosacea. I have understood these issues as reasons for being typed incorrectly in the past. When color typing they need to consider all this and to look at undertone not overtone.

Jen explains there is a continuum of both softened and muted types. I believe my skin is ever so slightly softened by tint (white added to color). If one goes too far with tint, colors become icy and these no longer suit me. I do not think of the tinted pastel colors I can wear as washed out because they tend to be brighter and perhaps more saturated than the colors in the other seasonal summer palettes. They are closer in brightness to Spring colors. I can wear many Spring colors. Muted means grey is added to the color. Other systems call this toned. Other than my hair and eyes, I do not perceive myself as greyed and when I wear toned colors my skin loses vibrancy.

I see there are others here who are uncertain because of possible neutral features. My understanding is fully neutral color types are extremely rare. If you have very neutral coloring, I think it may be still be helpful to figure out if you are closer to neutral warm or neutral cool. I believe most people will have one that is slightly better than the other for even a slight reason. Maybe cool tones make your lips or cheeks look pinker, or maybe warm do? Maybe cool tones make circles under your eyes look darker. It can be subtle. (In my case, my lips are a deeply pigmented cool pink in comparison to my fair olive skin). Also, it may be more helpful to consider if you tinted or toned/ soft, muted or bright? Does this stand out more than your color temperature?

My skin is considered neutral (cool suits me slightly better because of my rosacea, and cool lips, and when colors get too warm I look jaundiced). Jen explains the grey hair situation very nicely, My hair is considered a neutral grey so hair is not helpful in deciphering whether I should be warm or cool. If your hair is grey and it is obviously cool or warm this can help with selecting a color temperature. My eyes are also neutral. Every color stylist has told me they are grey. For a long time I wanted them to be green but I now understand they are not. They change color depending upon what I am wearing. There is a darker blue-green (teal) ring around my iris but it can look either warm or cool depending on what I wear. My irises can look turquoise, green, grey, or blue. They also can look warm or cool in temperature depending on the color I wear. Despite my strong neutral-ness, I do not consider myself a fully neutral person. Cool slightly tinted colors clearly work better for me than warm colors. Warm and cool toned colors can also work if they are light. In my case it seems that lightness matters more than whether I am warm or cool, and maybe more than whether I am soft, bright or muted.

Placing myself into a color type has helped narrow the field of color options in a helpful way. I stick within a palette and everything in my wardrobe can mix and match together. I definitely stray, and when I do it’s often for a statement item or something like a dress that doesn’t need to coordinate with as many pieces.

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Staysfit -- you look terrific in both that yellow and the more vivid blue. Interesting that the yellow is contrasted also with your grey top (and your hair, of course) -- I wonder if that adds to the flattering effect -- creating harmony?

I think you are correct that "light" might be the qualifier that makes the most difference in your own case, due to some neutrality in your features. And good reminder that "pastel" doesn't have to mean faded -- I tend to forget that, and in many colour palettes offered for "light" the makers apparently forget that, too -- and give only washed out or faded colours as opposed to the brights that "light summer" should also supposedly be able to wear.

Maybe if I were to think of myself as a light summer moving toward true summer, I could fit more easily into the seasonal system, i.e. I need ALL the coolness, and SOME of light summer's brightness,. Coolness being the key qualifier for me.

Suntiger, warm-medium sounds right, from everything you describe, and also works with the clothes you have, particularly what you wear on top (so to speak) and your patterns, as well as your jewellery, which adds shine and dimension to your outfits. You can manage black in part because you typically pair it with other flattering tones.

Love these thinky color convos!!

I suspect any framework that reminds us that temperature (warm vs cool) is only one aspect of color is going to be super helpful to many. In my case, warm/cool never resonated because I don’t fall cleanly on one side or the other: blue eyes with gold flecks, fair skin that tans *and* freckles; dark brown hair that fades redder with sun exposure (growing it longer was an eye opener!) and is now shot through with silver-grey.

Deep/dark is much more important, along with muted/soft — not bright or saturated. The worst photos ever taken of me were in watermelon, coral, aqua, cobalt… If I had to wear any of those colors now, I’d use them as an accent with a murkier color like charcoal or olive.

I also find the low-contrast/high-contrast distinction useful. I benefit from high contrast in temperature (warm and cool together) and value (light and dark together). I almost always opt for muted over bright — lived-in over crisp —but that could be as much personality as complexion!

I like the idea of a sliding scale, especially since my hair & skin shades fluctuate a fair bit in the sun (& I'm sure many of us are perceived as much paler in the winter sun).

My in-person seasonal colour analysis used the 12 seasons tonal system - I was told I was 'Dark Autumn' because Deep (not light) was my *primary* attribute, followed by Warm (not cool). It makes sense from the website you posted, since a primarily Deep can borrow from both Autumn & Winter palettes. I'm warm-adjacent lol, since I can still wear black (if it doesn't have too cool of an undertone).

In fact, the one aspect I still struggle with is I'm not sure I fit neatly into either end of the Muted VS Bright continuum; I like wearing bright yellow & orange but can't pull off the neon highlighter versions like you can My hair is starting to go grey in the front now (finally! lol) so let's see what happens.

Zaeobi, that's really interesting. I wonder if each of us has one primary (or dominant) characteristic that tends to "lead" -- for you, deep, for me, cool, for someone else maybe muted or bright? And those characteristics that are not as strong (for you warm vs. cool, bright vs. muted) offer the individual wiggle room (or confusion, depending on your point of view, LOL!). For me, recognizing/ acknowledging the level of brightness has been a light bulb (um, excuse the dumb pun) but cool is still dominant for sure.

What you say, LaPed, is also consistent with what Zaeobi said -- for you, "deep" is much more important than the other elements but you also like muted. I am thinking -- you do well in high contrast and "deep" *is* high contrast to your skin, obviating the need for a whole of lof contrast in the clothing itself (i.e. sharp contrasting patterns). So you can "mute" things (as per your preference) and still retain high contrast.

I think that is probably right too Zaeobi and Suz - I think most of us have some wriggle room.

My understanding is that in the seasonal analysis, as a Clear/Bright Spring I can wear all the colours in the Spring Palette but the clear ones are my very best. Potentially I could lean into the Bright winter palette too. That's probably because the brightness is my main characteristic, whereas warmth and depth are less important.

Suz, I think you could probably lean into the cool winter colours, and potentially even some bright winter - that's where the method in your colour style is more flexible.

Sal, that's interesting. Nice to know you can lean into the associated bright palettes if you like.

I think the bright winter colours, the purest, clearest ones overpower me. But I can lean into cool winter's blues, for sure. Oy, the complications if we really get fussed about it!