Chic sisters is right! Y'all look ready to do damage ;>
OMG, you two are adorable. Gorgeous x 2! Sounds like you had a great time and I hope you can get together again. I love hearing about YLF meet ups!
You book represent YLF so well . : )
You look like 'soul sisters' to me!
I am a Melbourne member, and this mini meet-up has me fired-up for an Aussie get together in my home town one day too
Fabness quotient through the ROOF!

Cheers all round, from you, from me, I believe the skies must be resonating with cheer. Thank you, thank you.
Australian sisters, you make a date, a time and a place and I'll book my seat on the Cobb &Co coach.


How fun!!! Such fab ladies with grace, sass and verve. So glad that you met and caught up
Me too - I'm there for an Oz meet up. I may just take a plane though:)
You both look fabulous! How nice it is you both get to connect!
You both look fantastic. Glad you got to meet, and thanks for sharing your report and photos with us! I am wishing I had been there!