Came back late last night. About to get ready to leave again - it's 6.47am. Have been up since 4.30am. I over secrete adrenalin during NAS preselections - good thing that! (You don't want to know how much tea I drink at this time of year....)
I saw the questions about NAS items on yesterday's thread. It's hard to answer them there without helpful info disappearing for others. If you have a NAS question - please start a new thread in the NAS section of the forum with the question and the Find. I will get to it when I can, AND others who have seen the item can chime in too.
Check out my Finds. I've been collecting winners that worked on clients since early this morning - and will continue to do so till the 20th July. The NAS Finds you saw early this morning are not mine - I am three hours behind the East Coast - so be careful to look WHO collected the Find.
Not ALL of the NAS Finds will make it into my top picks lists next week Friday, but many of them will. So there's your heads up:
I shop for myself today. Probably putting the lion's share of my budget into shoes since I need to overhaul my boot collection. Lots of good stuff. Good hunting. xo