I have some basic needs or small holes in my wardrobe. Yet somehow, I find myself going for the easy wins such as sale gems. For some reason, buying new accessories or undergarments feels like changing a lightbulb that's been burned out for months.

I'm always soooo glad when I buy the necessary things. The pay-off is huge. I know this and yet... somehow it's hard to say yes to the undies when I could say yes to fab new dress or blouse.

Currently I need
  • new undies
  • 1-2 new bras
  • new belts -- I've been using the same single belt for 3-4 years now and it's time to expand
  • new scarves -- see belt issue, I've been using one scarf for a while
Belts and scarves feel a bit challenging. I know what I want when I see it. Also, sizing can be tricky with belts right now, as I need larger sizes. I Thrifting in my town is now very limited. (The local thrift store that used to sell amazing things has downsized and now only sells hiking and skiing apparel.) I haven't dug through Postmark or eBay yet, but considering it.

I didn't search the forum yet; wasn't sure which terms to use. (This subject has probably been discussed extensively but my brain isn't remembering specific people or posts.) So, feel free to point me to other posts where this has been discussed. Hit me with your best thoughts and strategies <3