Hi Unfrumped, my apologies in advance for this long rave- I'm no good at being brief. I felt I had to reply to your post as I have just recently bought a pair of pants rather like these Burberrys; so elastic cuffed pants are on my mind! They are white and are my first pair of cuffed –or for that matter, baggy - pants in 3 decades. I am thrilled to bits with them.( I was actually in a jeans shop looking to buy my first ever pair of white jeans, but got sidetracked. They are now my “white jeans”:))
I have hideous memories of fashion-victim-me wearing hip-enlarging, paper-bag-waisted pants styles back in the eighties (my hips are 2 sizes wider than my waist, and I am a long rise, long-waisted hourglass).Figure flattery is a major concern for me -like you I don’t want to give added emphasis to my hip/butt area - so I was pretty surprised to find a pair of baggy pants that look good on.
What makes my baggies different from the Burberrys is that they have a lower rise also no belt or belt loops).Clever designing of the waistband and front pleats creates a flat stomach effect. The lower-rise style has overall less fabric at pelvis level than a waisted style, so the look is less bulky at hip level than the look of the eighties. Low rise really sets baggy pants of 2013 apart from their forerunners.
(The website pics are really bad- a pity as it’s hard to see the detail. I doubt that I would have given these pants a second look if browsing online. The pants fabric is not “worn in” and the pants don’t fit the model properly).
When I first tried my pants on (in store), although I liked them immediately, I had a complete brain freeze – they were such a big departure in style for me that I could not imagine a single top, jacket or shoe in my wardrobe that would go with them! MY 1980s recollections were actually getting in the way of seeing these pants in an updated way. They were on sale, so no return was possible. So, I left them in the shop, went home, collected 2 big bagsful of tops, shirts, jackets and shoes, and went back the next day for a proper try-on. That’s when I decided to buy them.
I have since discovered a lot about what to wear with this style to suit my figure: in summary I would say that on top I need to wear LONG, or CROPPED over LONG. By long, I mean long enough to cover my backside, and almost reach my crotch in front. I do not tuck or half-tuck anything. This might sound like a voluminous and shapeless look, but shaping and detail in the silhouette weren’t hard to achieve, and the LONG look with these pants does look excitingly modern. And plenty of my flats work well with my cuffed pants. I was afraid they would make me look like a rapper/beat girl if I wore flat footwear, but not so. The overall look is no more leg-shortening than wearing the standard uniform of a tunic over skinnies with flats.
I do recommend that you to try some cuffed pants on if you get the chance; don’t give up on them until you see yourself in them with the eyes of 2013. Perhaps you will find a pair that appeal .Either way, I am sure you will find testing out this style a very interesting experience.