Wow, I have enjoyed reading your replies and imagining your closets so much! Thank you for these terrific stories.
Staysfit, I love that you still have some of the items from your original red complement! And strawberry or watermelon red still looks amazing on you. I think using specs frames as the starting point is a brilliant idea. I laughed at the image of a jello mold!
Aida, thanks for enabling my fuchsia addiction! I haven't done enough with that lately. I got onto this idea of complements because Angie raised it this year on the blog as a way to add a new colour successfully to the wardrobe. She did this with olive and burgundy. And then blush, which was mainly (but not completely) accessories in her closet.
Christina, that looks like a perfect summery complement to me! For sure! So pretty, too. I like the bag.
Texstyle, I love the idea of rose gold with burgundy. That would be gorgeous with your colouring.
LaPed, that is a very interesting idea-- to make a tonal pairing with accessories vs. a contrast or "pop" of colour! I really like this way of looking at it. I'm going to need to think on it some more because I might like to try it. I agree that a cognac capsule would be good in winter with all the grey and navy you and I tend to wear. I've been thinking along the same lines. I don't have boots or a bag in that colour but I think I might like to try it since I do enjoy my summer cognac items.
Style Fan, you and I both stick to a fairly limited palette. I wonder if that makes it less likely we would be deliberate about this? Because everything tends to "go" with everything else already? Yet this year I found myself inspired by Angie's complements, and also, I suppose, I had to replace so much footwear it was more natural for me to think that way.
Thanks, Jessikams! Glad you raised the question!
Tulle, I know just what you mean about mustard. I had a mustard bag early in my time at YLF and I adored how it worked with blues and it was such a treat to be able to have something in that colour! Hmmm. Maybe it's time to build a new mustard capsule.
Joy, I always get a lot of pleasure from your outfit posts in part because I can tell you have thought in terms of complements! Your eclectic closet is filled to the brim with interesting possible pairings.
efbgen, that is so interesting! Lavender and mint is a lovely combination! Has it made you more interested in wearing lavender in general?
Shevia, your "thrown together" elegance works like a charm. You are forming complements unconsciously.
Brooklyn, plum sounds perfect for your closet! I'd be opportunistic about that, too, because it doesn't come round every season. Strike while you can. I do think light neutrals can prove really useful, too.
Smittie, you're not the only one hoping that chocolate makes a return soon!