I'm a huge reader and mostly read on my Kindle. It's just so much easier for me than a regular book (opens to my page, can read in the dark, hundreds of books available at any time, can easily search, can highlight phrases, can look up definitions, etc). I still have plenty of books around the house though - old favorites, gifts, loans, etc. My kids prefer to read real books so I have lots and lots of children's and YA books on my book shelves. I mainly use my library or Kindle Unlimited and only buy a book when absolutely necessary. With the amount I read (250+ per year) I can't afford to buy every book I read.

Love paper books but stopped buying them - using library most of the time. The feeling of holding the actual book and turning pages is still the best .
Some small book cases at our place but small apartment is not comparable with my childhood memories of collecting books and proudly displaying them.

I was always a huge buyer and rader of paper books, and I always had many many physical bookshelves in my home. When I moved to my current home after marrying my husband, I let most of my books go and I am now an enthusicastic convert to my beloved Kindle. I still keep a few physical books that have sentimental value but I like being able to carry my library on my person!

Oh, and my husband is still a big collector of physical cookbooks!

I've just never really connected with ebooks or kindles. I like to be able to flip back to certain parts, and I don't have a mental map of where that is in an ebook. So we have far too many physical books. I grew up in a home that had bookshelves covering two walls, floor to very high ceiling, in the living room and a large bookshelf in the den, as well as small reading stands and magazine holders around the house. I've often lamented that my current home doesn't have enough bookshelves, despite having a wall covered in the living room and a wall covered in the bedroom!

I read almost exclusively nonfiction, and I very much like to be able to refer back, so I keep the books I like. We WILL need to downsize at some point, but it is hard to part with them. I'm also stuck about children's books. Do I keep those that we had from when the kids were small - just the favorites? Will they care or want them? Will they have children they will want to read them to? To ask them now would be pointless, as they are young adults with no immediate plans for marriage or children, but would they regret it later if they were all gone?

But despite all that, I am very conscious of having too much stuff, and I'd like to "lighten up" on that.

Books have been a huge part of my life since childhood and growing up in a house full of them. Husband is also a big reader, so we have more books than we have room for in our small apartment, even though we have floor to ceiling bookcases both in the living room and our study/spare room. Would always like to add more! I'm quite happy to cull from my collection from time to time, while my husband likes to hang on to everything. I do also have a Kindle, but I don't find the reading experience quite the same, so still prefer physical books. To me there is something very comforting in being surrounded by books, and couldn't imagine living without them.

Books books and more books. I read on a Kindle (paperwhite kind, no color screens) to fall asleep at night because I can lie down and when I fall asleep, it does too. No waking up with a light glaring in my face.

But everywhere else, actual books.

Right now we are completing a re-org of the house's actual library so that it only contains artwork by our extra son Hugo Yu. We've relocated two shelves of books to the third floor to create a niche for a recently acquired piece, and I have been carrying armloads of books up two flights for several weeks now. But dang it, they just keep repopulating! This is in part because we have an excellent local indie bookstore.