My favorites are the daisy, crossover top and Mr. Bowie! But since the Tokyo tee has personal significance I'd probably keep it over the daisy. I love your style.

How did the jury pool shake out?

Thank you for the detailed feedback!

I was excused by the prosecutor from jury duty. Happens every time, and always the prosecutor. Must talk to someone in the legal profession who can shed more light on this, as I'm intrigued (once I got over the resentment of wasting 4 hours).

In case you are interested, here is the verdict:

1 -- Red drape neck tank. Return, too big.
2 -- Daisy top. Keep.
3 -- Tokyo top. Return. I love it but not that much on me, I think it's the high neckline. Also, it feels a bit young for me, compared to the daisy top. That probably makes no sense.
4 -- Philip Lim top. Return. I feel like I'm swimming in it and that it wears me. People either really loved or hated this.
5 -- BLK DNM sweatshirt. Keep, even though it's not everyone's cup of flattery tea. I do think the cut is very fashion forward, which I like.
6 -- Splendid cross front top. Keep, even though a part of my wants to return it because of the fabric. I don't know if I can deal with another set of tiny holes which I know will happen. I have a bit more time to consider but in the meantime I think I'm keeping, really because everyone says it looks good on me. I can't always forgo figure flattery can I?
7 -- Bowie sweatshirt. Return. As much as most of you love it, I feel self-conscious in it due to my small head.

Fanny pack and hat -- only half of you liked the fanny pack, and even fewer liked the hat. But I like them and see their usefulness. The final call will be made by my boyfriend. He will see this combo the most. Am I the only one who loved how much the two pieces matched? I guess so.

I got here too late! My initial impressions were much like Shevia's, yet reading your decisions, I think you have chosen wisely and well. You know your own style so well. And about that cruise? YES!!