Page 2 in the conversation "." by carter

Good job retrying those pieces, Carter. That way you'll know whether you still like them. I look forward to seeing the capsule come together.

Very impressive, Carter! That's a lot of empty hangers.

I've done well the first week of August - no shopping, purged about 20 items last evening (short sleeve blouses and jackets with dated looking details; one dress, a long sweater I'm not crazy about), wore a week's worth of summer clothing that I hadn't worn yet this season, ended up feeling that all but one outfit was a "10".

In planning this week's outfits, I'm looking to Angie ensembles to help with color schemes and am wearing the last few summer items that did not get worn yet this year. As for purging, I need to tackle my tee shirt stacks. There's no way I should "need" all of them.

Thanks, Shedev! It does feel good to know that I have my bases covered and can just let go of the *might need it someday* thoughts.

Thanks, Susie. I imagine I'm a wee bit OCD about this;-). Both the list and the visual of the capsule made a huge difference for me.

Laura, looking forward to your post!

Thanks, Angie. The bonus was all the steps I got in running back and forth from the guest room at the other end of the house to the full length mirror in the master:-).

Linda, you've had a killer first week! How exciting. Which ensembles are you planning to use this week? Tee shirts...I just purged a big stack of those as style, every color in the rainbow. What was I thinking?

You continue to inspire me.

Well done! There is a huge difference between a "working" wardrobe and a closet (or 2 or 3) full of clothes! Sounds like you're well on your way with preparations for a new lifestyle.

Carter, you have this culling and capsule-making down to a fine art. Your dressy capsule is looking wonderful.

Excellent collage, and amazing purging progress! Thanks for the update.

Carter, It's great to see how an analytical mind approaches wardrobe problems/issues.

Wow. That is progress. I tend to hang onto things beyond what I should. This was inspiring.

Look at all of those hangers! Woohoo! I love that you wrote down all of your dressy occasions for the next year (I'm going to do that too).

Have you always been analytical? Do you like to do research too? These kinds of posts are right up my alley

Oh, Carter, Carter, Carter... you're just full of the quotes that resonate with me today.
" Tee shirts...I just purged a big stack of those as style, every color in the rainbow. What was I thinking?"

Sigh. Not only do I have the stack in my drawer... I have a stack in another drawer, with tags still on... because for some reason I seem to think that when one wears out, I'll need too have a backup ready IMMEDIATELY and none will be available. And they get worn maybe once a season. Actually not quite true, I do wear tees a lot under hoodies in the winter, but STILL.

You are truly inspiring. I feel you lighting a fire under my well adorned butt.

Thanks, Sterling!

Beth Ann, I'm trying! I still think there's so much to be done, but I hope the end result will be whatever is perfect for me!

Thanks, Summer, abc, and Alasse!

Thanks, Smittie. I have a tendency to over-analyze everything. Hopefully it will prove useful!

Thanks, Kerry! I'm such a nerd. I have always been this way and yet I'm still surprised when my husband laughs at my *revelations*:-). I'm a total research junkie...about everything!

Elizabeth...too funny! So glad I'm not the only one who does that stuff!