Valuable reflections, Una.

This is the crux:

"Ideally, for example, rather than ten shirts that almost work, I’d like one or two perfect shirts".

Your buffet analogy was spot on. You need to identify your bacon and waffles, add a bit of ice cream if you need to, but stay away from the pasta, and forget about the tasteless salads.

HAHAHAHA Angie, your reply is hilarious. Ditch the boring salads indeed.

Una, your list didn't bore me to tears at fact it got me thinking about what I plan to do with my own wardrobe over the next few years. I have similar issues in terms of what I'd like to wear and what I can ACTUALLY wear without looking goofy. There are a limited number of silhouettes that I can pull off with my height and shape, and of those, I don't love all of them. So that narrows it down, at least. I think I've already identified my bacon and waffles!