Sarah, I'd love visuals. Fit issues fascinate me.

I sometimes get some pulling (yes, even me!!) with some of my button up shirts -- they seem to "stick" to my bras, almost. It's not that the shirt is too snug, it's that the fabric grabs the bra and hangs on, making it look whiskered, almost like jeans with whiskering.

I'm not sure I understand what bust buckling is...?? I'm really curious. I noticed this today on tiny busted me with my running gear. Hunh!! I had never really paid attention before.

Maybe that is the issue. The small busted don't think about it. Just like the slim hipped don't necessarily get hung up on whiskering on pants, whereas those of us with hips and /or thighs of girth can become a bit picky on that score?

I mentioned this issue in my post here, Sarah. (At least I think it's the same issue.). And my bust is not large; in my case I think it's because my breasts are wide set so there's a big gap between them and stiffer knits don't settle nicely into the gap, resulting in an empty space that puckers.

Diana, you look great in that suit and top, and that doesn't seem to me to be too much bust buckling.

Rachy, it's when you get pulling across the bust in a way that results in horizontal wrinkles right across the chest. I really should post some pics, but honestly, things have been CRAZY. sorry : (

Suz, that's funny - I don't think about whiskering at all! And you're right, I have no hips. Everything is up top for me...

Oh, ok. Right! Lol. Does it happen when you wear a t-shirt bra?

Also, I think Diana is right about a wide-set.