My pleasure! Glad it makes sense.

Jenni, crops are great for showcasing shoes - which you love to do

Style Fan, thank you for the validation on the Frame jeans, and the styling suggestions! I do have a brown belt, and I usually wear belts with my jeans. I have been wearing my striped top quite often, and I really like it.

Jenni NZ, thank you! I struggle with proper pant lengths and shoe pairings too, so clarification is always appreciated.

Angie, thank you for your expertise and positivity!

I like both blue jeans - great for spring! The dark bootcut jeans could be easy every day jeans if you are in need of some.
Frame jeans are so fun and such wonderful fabrication ( I've seen them on variety of bodies - petit and regular )!

Thank you, slim cat! The fabrication of the Frame jeans is very comfortable. I considered ordering a size down, but I’m afraid the smaller size would be too snug in the hips and I would lose the “palazzo” look of the jeans. They might be a smidge big in the waist, but that is a fairly simple alteration.