One year I lost both my big toe nails to skiing. At the beginning of summer I hid them in closed toe shoes, but about half through the summer I had enough. So even though I only had half a toe nail on each big toe I just said the heck with it and wore sandals.
I see all kinds of feet all day at work. Unless the toes are black with gangrene than everybody should have to right to wear sandals.

Woah, I did not know this thread would open floodgates about toenail fungus. I was thinking it was a question similar to, like, is it okay to show empty belt loops... And I didn't say, but I was more worried about it in the workplace than anything.

But while we are on the topic, I do heartily agree that toe fungus is not a sign of poor hygiene, and that no one should be made to feel badly about it - especially not about wearing sandals to get rid of it. I had a fungal infection just this winter, and it turned out to be because of how my body reacted to stress, sugar, and new medication.

I'm late but I don't mind unpainted toes. I am allergic to nailpolish so I cannot wear polish daily.

As long as people with gangrene are not offended, I like Anna's stance on this issue. People's feet are what they are and I don't think anyone ought to feel they shouldn't wear sandals in the summer.

Does anyone else think that sometimes we women are our own worst enemies with our stances on things like hose in the summer and polished toe nails? I think I'm going to try to just let things like this slide by without looking down my nose on others. Bring on the chipped, brightly colored toes on calloused feet.

I've actually been wondering what people though about bare exposed toenails. I have REALLY crooked 2nd toes. They look like monkey toes. I always thought wearing polish would call attention to my toes so I went naked. Then DH kept asking why I don't paint them, as he though it would call attention away from the crooked toes and onto the nails. So I started painting them and I think he's right. But I do go bare at times too.

I used to work as an assistant to a podiatrist so I have a lot of experience with fungus. Anyone can get it, the fungus itself is everywhere and you can't avoid being "exposed". For the most part you can really only control it, if that (creams, paints, etc). There are oral anti-fungals but they can be hard on your body so it's usually felt that nail fungus isn't worth the side effects. Plus, there are some nail conditions that can look like nail fungus, but are not.

I didn't "hear" anyone say that a person with a toenail fungus is gross! - but rather, that the fungus itself is gross! One of my sisters and also my mom has struggled with toenail fungus for years - and they would be the first to tell you that it is gross! And yes, its true - it has nothing to do with hygiene.

As far as the polished/unpolished issue goes - after reading everyone's opinions on this - I've changed my mind - either way is fine - but for those of you thinking you don't want to polish your toenails because the color won't always go with what you are wearing - just wear a neutral color - like a taupe, gray, nude, light silver or gold - those colors will go with anything! Or - wear a clear polish! Ta-da!

I just painted my toenails because someone at work commented that my toes were yuck and not painted.

Someone had peed on my foot and I was trying to clean up my foot (hence the lack of shoes).

Hi Marley,

The truth is, so many bodily stuff is 'gross'. I won't say it 'out loud' but there are many, many, many things in a human body I dislike more than fungus and would rather not see, but asking people with such problems to cover themselves -especially in the summer months- so that I don't have to see it is not nice (I'm not talking about you, specifically, but in general). I did feel a tad offended on behalf of some people I know with the fungus problem, and I can see I was not the only one.

Yes, fungus might be gross. Cellulite too. And zits. And stretch marks. And scars. And any dermatological problem. I think if I say zits are 'gross', a person with facial acne might understand I'm saying he/she is 'gross'. Zits do cover their faces, after all.

This thread made me remember one of my high-school teachers (!), the man who is probably the most unlikely style inspiration on the planet, but whose appearance taught me one of the most valuable style lessons: first be neat and tidy. Everything else comes next.

Wow, now I'm feeling a bit sorry for Marley because Rae did ask for our opinions about polished toes. I never would have realized that toes could arouse such passionate responses.

I also think Irene is right to remind us how easy it is to take another person's opinion to heart if we are personally struggling with an issue. But we'd lose a lot if people began to hold back on their opinions just because someone might get offended. I doubt that Marley intended to offend anyone with her comments about preferring polished toes, but the responses made me realize that my own comments about "rough" feet might also be a tad insensitive.

Grey hair, toe fungus, cellulite, facial blemishes--we do have some interesting discussions on this fashion site!

Bare toes are not a faux pas in my book. If they are trimmed and the feet are well groomed, polish or no polish is a personal preference.

Just to not single anyone out, Marley was not the only one who expressed a preference for colored toes - and others who actually preferred bare toes seemed more concerned about hidden fungus lurking under polish.

It seems like there are worries on both sides here - so to me that makes it a Catch-22 situation where we all might as well do what we want!

And also, I DO appreciate everyone voicing their true feelings on this matter. Gaylene is right - the forum would lose people and lose its value if we all had to walk on eggshells. It is better to know that hey, some people out there may be having thoughts XYZ if I do ABC. Then I can choose my course of action.

FTR, I ain't mad atcha, Marley! Mwah!

Yeah, I'm not mad either, sorry if it sounded like I was. Actually I tried not to single Marley out! (by saying, 'not talking about you, specifically').

Just wanted to remind us all that no body (and nobody) is perfect!