I don't think so at all.

Really the color of her jeans is the least of it in the picture of Kris Jenner. Age inappropriate is also the least of it as far as I am concerned. You look great in the outfits you posted and not age or otherwise inappropriate in any way.

Denise - I've never once seen you or thought of you as dressed inappropriately. There are elements in Khris Jenner's skinnies outfit that it make very different than your's - the overly tight skinnies with sheen to them, the high heel animal print boots, the too much make up, the too much bling....although truthfully I don't see her outfit as being as bad as was portrayed.

Trust us - the YLFers would never let you dress inappropriately!

You look fabulous in your coloured jeans!

I am starting to think that it's not really a question of 'age-appropriateness' after all, and that it's more a question of taste and style. Just because you can get away with something because you're younger - if said 'something' isn't appropriate on an older person - then I have to question whether the outfit/item is "all that" to begin with, if that makes sense.

You look sensational in your coloured jeans - and the thing is - your outfits would *also* look just as fabulous on someone who was 19.

I'm starting to think that this is the true test of style and grace. If it works on someone who is 19 AND on someone who is 59 or 75 or what have you - then it's a winner, as far as I'm concerned.

Your outfits would work for anyone, no matter what their age. Do you see what I mean? It's not that you need to try and worry about whether it's 'too young' or not - the real question is whether someone much younger or older could also wear the outfit. Your outfits pass that 'test' - in the sense that they will look fabulous on anyone, of any age.

I would not hesitate to wear your outfit combos at 19, 29, 35, 44, 55, 63, 72 or 79 - you get the idea.

Your outfit in #6 is going to look just as amazing on someone who is 19 as it will for someone who is 63. The outfit is *that good* and you've just helped me realize something - style is ageless.

In the meantime, you look gorgeous in your coloured jeans outfits.

Denise I have not read the comments but here's my opinion. You look wonderful in your colored skinnies. Age appropriate to me is in how you wear them. Your outfits are always chic and put together. I just ordered my first pair of colored denim as I have been inspired by the woman on the forum that wear them.
Now off to read what everyone else said.

As with most things I think the success of an outfit is often in the overall styling as opposed to the age of the wearer. I think you wear colored skinnies with great sophistication and style. In fact Denise you inspired me to try colored skinnies... And just for the record, I'm in my 40's. I don't particularly love how Kris Jenner has put her outfit together, but that's not about her age... in my opinion it's the styling. With some tweaking I think she would look great.

I agree with Deborah - it's not age, it's the styling - well said.

Denise, first off, you look fabulous! Let NO ONE convince you otherwise! (And I hear you about wanting to be liked by everybody and getting occasionally a little wobbly on the confidence from there --- it's my own bane.)

With that said, since I'm hearing about this lady for the first time, I'm also going to say --- as I see it from having no Kardashian-shaped baggage either way --- I think she looks just fine in terms of age appropriateness. I *personally* would not make some of her fashion choices --- *really* skin-tight skinnies, added to lots of other on-trend items like the statement jewellery and moto jacket and leopard heels --- but that's a purely subjective judgement (apart from the fit bit). Yes, it's ALGO, but if that's the way she wants to play it, then more power to her!

I am a little leery of the whole 'age inappropriate' issue --- to me, the only obvious no-go is childishly cutesy, which I personally think doesn't suit teens any more than it suits adults. Everything else, I'm liable to agree with Victoria --- what looks 'wrong' is wrong at almost any age. If I don't want to see a glimpse of a 60-year-old's thong underwear, I'm not sure I want to see a 16-year-old's either. If there's too much boobage on display in a too-small bikini, it is *too much* at 20 as well as 80 --- it isn't that there's anything wrong with showing boob; it is that the damn thing clearly doesn't fit and you're un-stylish enough to wear something 3 sizes too small to show your boobs!

There *is* the issue of what can be worn as rebellious or ironic varying with age and era; but that's not the same as 'age appropriate'. When I wore baggy oversized shirts in pop brights and abstract and tight jeans in the 80s, it was a reaction against the 70s flares and fitted paisley silk shirts of my parents' generation from just a few years ago. My wearing it was rebellion and advertisement of my 'youth' and 'arrival' and 'newness'; my mother wearing it *would* be a case of MDAL to most people --- but I suspect it would be more about her being the wrong generation, and trying to dress 'young'. Some trends are meant as a 'breakaway' and wearing them is tricky if you've just been wearing the opposite. And me trying to wear 80s-inspired trends now requires a certain level of toning down (not as in-your-face emphatic as my preteen/teen self) or an awareness, an indication of the 'revival' that shows a wry sense of humour. In this sense, you can wear any trend and any style at any age, but you can't wear it EXACTLY the same way each time it comes around!

Final comment, from the perspective of a journalist who has hung around, entirely too long for comfort, awfully close to the tabloid-ish and sensationalist writing that this represents: This is not about her age and her clothes so much as a judgement on her life and lifestyle. And it is most emphatically not a piece written *because* of her clothes, it is only centred *around* her clothes --- seemingly. *She* is chosen possibly due to the Kardashian association; they wouldn't be saying this of Helen Mirren in a Bo Derek-esque bikini, right? They need carpy copy (Really. Am 100% serious. There is an understanding that bitchy gets eyeballs, as it equates to 'attitude' and it is hard for many less-than-stellar editors to stay within the bounds of 'entertainingly opinionated' and not stray over into 'catty for cat's sake'). They need novelty (Kardashians done to death; who's up next?). They need mainstream appeal (I may not recognize her, but I sure as heck know the Kardashians --- see how wide this net is spread? Taking any random grandma off the streets will not do it). THAT is what this article is about --- a side of the industry that revels in 'taking the high and mighty down a peg', something that was once relegated to the spirit of carnivalesque and considered bad taste and bad attitude most days, but now every day is a party!

Oof! Sorry about that. Rant over. But seriously, this article has little to do with serious dissection of age appropriateness.

You know, I am quite a rebellious soul. It is getting to me that us women, have to deal with this "expiration date" issue and the "age appropriateness" issue, so often. Nah, I say celebrate who you are at each and every age, wear what makes you happy and have fun!
And no, colored pants are now mainstream and can be worn at any age. It's in all in the styling! Plus, I think you dress very well for you style persona and lifestyle.

Zap and all the other ladies who touched on this -- I agree! Just when we feel we are coming into our own, our society starts to put these new pressures on us. First, it was pressure to have it all -- successful career, family, and to look stunning while doing it. Now when we have put years of effort behind looking good, and therefore have the knowledge, skill and income to do it, we are told to apply the breaks. Don't wear this. Don't wear that. It's as if society says, the woman who goes after and gets what she wants is a "Yay" when young, but when she gets older, that chutzpah need not be applied.

Velvetychocolate -- I really appreciate your perspective that style is ageless. I would add that good taste is also ageless. I feel where Kris gets it wrong is that she's a little lacking in taste. But that would describe the way often Kim and Khloe are dressed as well.

ManidipaM -- thank you for elaborating on the journalistic aspect. You write beautifully and I feel excited whenever I get to savor some of your perspectives. I also think Kris wants any kind of attention, as it was she who posted 16 pictures of herself in this outfit on her own blog:

Wow, seeing the closeups I LOVE that jacket!! I would totally wear that outfit, minus the earrings and most of the bracelets!

I think it depends on the overall outfit, personality, attitude and bodyshape. On you, they look amazing, no matter your age.

For the record CoCo, I think you look awesome in your colored skinnys:) I am not personally a fan of the bright jeans and don't own any...but I love the softer colors such as a butter yellow...but likely would never buy any.

As far as Kris K. I absolutely love her outfit from the waist up..even her Fab bangles and huge earrings and I would totally wear it...from the waist up. I think this outfit would be a 10 with white skinnies instead of the red and different shoes...keeping in mind that I don't like red jeans on anyone at any age.

A resounding NO from me. And if people think it is inappropriate, the only way to change that is to wear them anyway and shift the paradigm!

Looking great doesn't have an age limit - I think that lady (sorry, I can't remember her name) looks fine - maybe I wouldn't wear exactly that, but that's more to do with my own personal style, rather than thinking it's 'wrong'.

Denise, you look fabulous and fashion-forward in your colourful skinnies. You don't look like you're "trying to dress too young" because you've styled them really well. To echo what others have said, it's all in how you style an item.