Absolutely, I believe that necessities like underwear and even workout gear should not count. I may need to pick up a new pair of running shoes in the next month or so, and I would not count that.

Someone hold me accountable on a jewelry and accessory SYC. I have so many and need to keep wearing a variety, without being tempted to buy more!

@TG, that is very few pieces indeed! I repeat a lot and was surprised that I got up to about 40 this month (counting bags and shoes, but not other accessories). Not bored though! Let's see how January goes, since my wardrobe here is very small. Still, there are a few deep winter pieces I haven't been wearing yet. Excited for the challenge, and for continuing to keep track of wears in finds!

Janet - what about challenging yourself to a no repeat jewelry/accessory month? However you decide to limit yourself, I am happy to help support you!

I want to add white ankle boots to my wardrobe in the very near future. If that happens by Dec. 31, I can do SYC for January and February, too, for that matter.

I'm planning a no shop month for January, too. Participating in a SYC challenge might help me stick to my resolution. I feel like my wardrobe is in a really good place but maybe a bit larger than I would like. SYC would let me know if I have any wardrobe holes and allow me to focus on what I have rather than what I want. Count me in.

This is a great idea, nemosmom. I look forward to following and cheering you on.

I am not planning to do a no-shop because after all my recent analysis I have the clearest view I have ever had of wardrobe holes and priorities, and one characteristic of secondhand shopping is that it must be done very opportunistically!

That said, one thing I’ve realized recently is that my best strategy for dressing well day by day is outfit labs to get a handle on what works well together in advance of staring at my closet in the morning. So, I hope to get the time to do some outfit labs, which is shopping my closet in a certain sense— so i appreciate you organizing this!

Windchime - I hope you find your boots! You could always leave the month open for the boots. However it works for you!

bonnie - trying to identify holes is a goal for me, too.

Sarah - how wonderful to have clarity around your holes and priorities! And YES to seizing the opportunity at thrift. Please come share your outfit labs; identifying what works together to make you feel fab is the point!

I love the idea of a no repeat month.

I'm in, unless I decide to buy that coat I've been watching.

And actually, just got 2 of my sports bras on sale, so there’s that ticked off. Barring any body changes or a need for new running shoes, it’s only going to be a rain jacket suitable for running and hiking. My goal is to hold out until NAS. I just donated a lot of clothes, refreshed a few things, edited a lot, gifted all of my earrings because my skin hasn’t tolerated piercings for about 6 years. Got a new pair of glasses. (Possibly a second pair of prescription sunglasses for running in 2020 but that will hit insurance.)

I'm in with the caveat that I've been on the hunt for a while for a for a pair of casual shoes like fashion-y sneakers (like the Ecco's, etc.), but I'd like to commit my self to only buying them if I buy them in person, no ordering online this month for me. This means it's pretty unlikely I'll buy them since I don't have plans to be anywhere near a mall (2+ hrs away), but there is a local shoe store I'm going to look in.

I'm so sure I don't need anything else and shopping my closet would help me get the habit of wearing so many of those clothes I seems to be saving for something, It would also give me a chance to really note the holes in my wardrobe right now.

I need to shop my closet. My only problem is, I don’t know what all is IN my closet. I see I need to take a deep breath, tackle the closet monster and lay off online sales. So, from now to the end of January, I can at least pledge to shop no more. Maybe I can get through my closet by month’s end.

Kate - YES! determining what you have is a big step! Make a cup of tea (or coffee), put on some good music (or your favorite podcast), and tackle that monster!

VintageDawn - love your idea of a no-online shopping pledge. And, I hear you on those items you seem to be saving - I do the same thing!!

Count me in! Actually, since my wardrobe is in such good shape, I should shop my closet for the whole year or at most do one in, one out — or better yet, one out before one in.

I was thinking I'd do this as well, before I saw your challenge. So consider me in! For me it's more about not shopping than shopping my closet, as I have a large wardrobe (ie I need to break the habit, I have lots to wear). I may extend this to the rest of the season... or year even. Will ponder this in the next couple of months. I have decided that 2020 is the year to (start to) get control over many cluttered parts of my life.