I've been really enjoying all the style goal posts for 2017 so I thought I'd join in the fun.

I think my main goal for 2017 is to relax more about my style and to enjoy what I own as much as possible. I'm not completely banning shopping but I am going to reduce my spending as my closet is pretty happy and full and most of my clothing is more classic as opposed to trendy.

I also plan on spending more time on grooming, fitness and healthy eating, which can fill in for less time on shopping. I've really been trying to keep my hair looking shiny, my skin in good condition and my nails clean and trimmed in particular.

I wasn't planning on having a style moniker but the more I've thought about what I reach for on a regular basis, the more I realize I have a pretty definitive daily style and another style for going out or business casual.

My daily style seems to fall right into "Feminine Tomboy" or "Camp Counselor Goes Out" as I prefer to think of it.

I wear makeup every day and do my hair every day but sometimes it is up in a ponytail. I almost always wear some jewelry, especially if I'm leaving the house.

My going out or business casual is more modern casual with a simple navy or burgundy v-neck, dark slim jeans, sparkly jewelry and sandals or booties. It's harder to put a label on that style.

Some typical daytime wear finds included below.

Nothing earth shattering, just sharing for anyone interested.