This is great! I love everything.

Wow! I luv everything about this outfit! Do you have a link to the top? YLF!

Thank-you again!

AJ-This is the link. It was on Angie picks yesterday.

I loved this top, Debbie, when Angie first posted it, but I knew it would fight with my shape. I remember thinking....this will really look amazing on the right person! And here you are, looking stunning. The shape and structure of this is perfect for you, and the combination with slender trousers and point toes is a great counterpoint.

Now that purple!

Angie took the words right out of my mouth: Wow! This is one of your best looks EVER!

Thanks for the's very tempting especially seeing how great it looks on you! Did you get your normal size or did you go one size down as recommended?

I bought this top after seeing it on you, Debbie. I love it on you!

I have one on the way, too! You are a great advertisement for the top, Debbie!

Deb, this looks lovely on you! Very nice!

Thank-you everyone!
Marianna, Debora -can't wait to see you in the top!

YLF - the bag is perfect