Thank you! I am loving the the shorter do. It's very liberating and has broken down some misconceptions I have carried for a long time about my physical appearance. It's so quick and easy and bad hair days are (almost) a thing of the past
Lyn, I think that fact that it's naturally wavy cruelly works in my favour. I wash and blow dry it each morning and the texture seems to be what creates the volume and holds the shape and style.
Angie, I'm a vey practiced blow dryer - I have been blow waving and straightening my hair since my teens - and it's just a matter of drying and styling the hair to exactly where I want it to sit. The fringe is also cut so that it is a little shorter above my eye and then graduates down to the ear. On days when it's misbehaving a little, a very light spritz of hair spray tames it into place. Also the texture of my hair works with the cut. Generally my hair is not overly soft and floppy, if it was it would be in my eyes all the time.
Thank you very much for the encouragement. If not for you I don't think I would have gone shorter on the first place:)
Have a great Sunday! My sister should be arriving soon and it's shopping and lunch for us xxx