I learned to play the piano as an adult. A lovely Yamaha upright came into my life as a 20th anniversary present and I took lessons for 12 years - progressing to grade 8 repertoire before I started to have trouble with my fingers due to an autoimmune condition. When I couldn’t play due to sore fingers and band-aides, I worked on my theory. I enjoyed my lessons and the interactions with my music teacher so much! When I relocated 9 years ago I could still play off and on, but the last 3 years, hardly at all.

Realizing my piano playing days were over, and hearing stories about pianos ending up in dumps, I started looking for a home for my instrument. This week I learned my piano was chosen (out of 3 contenders!) by the music committee at an assisted living home, and the piano movers are coming for it on Friday.

I am donating the piano, but will be provided with a tax receipt when it gets appraised by the tuner. I’m a little sad, a lot relieved, and happy, too when I learned that the piano players at the home are very excited about the piano!

Now to make a few changes to the music room, which will now become the reading room/library.