The watch and shoes are definite keepers and already in my possession. I wasn't planning on buying a watch, but my jewelry SA let me get a sneak peak ahead of time and suggested I look at them. It was love at first sight with this watch. It is a larger version of my Seiko watch I purchased almost 30 years ago. Back then, it was the first time I had ever seen silver and gold tones in one watch, and I loved the rectangular shape. With my gold wedding and engagement rings and almost exclusively silver jewelry, this combo works for me.

The shoes are so comfortable it is like walking on clouds. I didn't have any more luck in my local store but I realized I should look online as there may be choices there that weren't at my smaller store.

The necklace is a real wild card. Completely unexpected and out of my usual style. The store didn't have it in silver, so it is on it's way to me. I expect it will be a keeper, but I will have to see it in a full length mirror to be sure.

Wednesday night when I got a sneak peak I spied the scarf, and gave them my info. so it was already rung up for me when I arrived yesterday. A very unexpected color combination for me, and whether I keep it may depend on the yet undetermined color of my winter coat.

That's all from this post, I'm still exhausted. How do the SA's and Stylists do it?