Another vote to return the dress if you don't love it right out of the box.

It seems like a really nice useful dress that fits you well. As you don’t seem to love it, questions are, do you own something you like better you will wear instead of choosing it? Is there another dress you want to try like the Boden one? Will it fill a hole? Will you keep looking? Should you hold onto it for a week or two while continuing to search?

The new size is excellent.
I think the length is too long though! Maybe you could shorten?
It seems like it would be useful with statement shoes or toppers.

Agree that this fits better, but if you’re not loving it, send it back. Other options are looking really good this fall. And Boden seems to do a lot in navy.

Tina and Smitte--actually the lenght is the thing i like the best about this dress....
after thinking about it today...if it was a vneck or scoop i think i'd keep it, but i dont love the neck line, and its still a little more body con than i'd like in a casual dress....

I agree with previous posters that I think the fit overall is better in the larger size, but it seems a little too long.

I understand what you're saying about the neckline (I too prefer Vs and scoopnecks). It sounds like you are not in love with this dress and are not itching to wear it, which in my book means you would be better off returning it and spending your money on something you love.

kkards, send it back and go for something Boden or James Perse.

It looks nice but you look so unhappy in it, it will make someone else happy!

Fits better in the larger size for sure.

I like the navy, but LOVED the stripes. Don't you like stripes, kkards? The style of dress looks punchier in the stripe.

angie...thank you so much for weighing in. yes i love stripes, but was thinking that the stripes were much more casaul and was looking for something was could be more versatile. when i got the larger size i realized that i like this dress, but didn't love it, and as i don't wear dresses a lot, i know that the dress has to have a high happiness factor or it won't get worn.....

The fit is better, for sure.
To me, the solid, fitted dress reads more like a dressy or business dress than “ casual. ( hence why I’d also use solid color for versatility and formality). I’d wear it ( if I could!) hemmed just a bit to best below- knee length and not wear sneaks! So that doesn’t seem to be your aim for it.

Fit in the larger size looks great! But if you aren't feeling it, on to the next fab dress.

kkards, GOOD decision to return. I like that you're being discerning. NEXT.