Your posts are always a delight. Thank you so much for this review! The way you articulate your thought process and your creative actions in the service of your style is fascinating and a great gift to the rest of us. And your outfits are so very beautiful! I love hearing about your dedicated experimentation and how it didn't happen overnight that you conquered summer dressing. I love how your very personal use of texture and shine and ornament add magic to your rich colors and elegant formulas. I hope to get to that place one day where my summer dressing actually expresses something personal, and you have set a glorious example.

Have always loved your style. Keep on doing what you are doing. Now I have to go and see how long I've been on YLF. Here's to another 10 years.

I’ve always enjoyed seeing your posts, even if I don’t always comment. I especially love your color scheme and how you have achieved it.

This is such a lovely tribute to how Angie can inspire a great diversity of styles through fundamental principles. I am genuinely awed by your creative, experimental, and thoughtful approach to fashion, and I adore your outfits. Sometime, it would be instructive to learn about your specific outfit formulas - what they are and how you settled on them.

"These projects engage me with my wardrobe in a very personal and productive way. There is a unique or bespoke quality to much of my wardrobe that wasn’t there 10 years ago.""

This comment hit me so profoundly. I see you as a true fashion creative. Not just a consumer and not just a copier. I was never able to achieve that status for myself, and maybe that's why I was always *this* side of unsatisfied with my wardrobe at any given time, and why I essentially dropped out of the race.

This was SO well written, SO interesting, and SO inspiring....I'm not going down that path again though so I'll let the inspiration flow right by I find it really interesting that you were able to make that internal switch to a more considered wardrobe ; that is not an insignificant challenge to meet.

My hat is off to you !

Brooklyn, thank you so much for taking the time to reflect and then to write this! What an amazing post -- not to mention, gorgeous photos! I love seeing the evolution of your style. It was always fantastic, honestly -- you have never looked less than wonderful and beautifully put together -- but I agree that since the start of your work-from-home period you have achieved something highly personal and truly remarkable -- inspirational, really!

I love your breakdown here, of how you have got to where you are. It's very helpful. And I'm especially wowed by where you have come with your summer style, even more so considering it is a long (and not entirely beloved) season for you -- sort of like my winters were, for me, in Ontario, although I certainly never achieved your aplomb or satisfaction in dressing for those and am relieved that I no longer have to fight that particular fight. (Winter on the west coast is totally do-able).

You are completely right -- your wardrobe is unique and bespoke and what it speaks is who you are. Anyone meeting you would see you as a "modern moody bohemian." And be intrigued, and want to get to know you better.


Plus, it was sad and sweet to see your beloved Brooklyn with you.

Haha, I just went back to the rest of the replies and I am chuckling... I think it is 18 degrees here (and raining) where I am and this is my summer! .

I am not complaining! (This is an unusually cool-ish summer day...and most days the sun shines so even if cool, it feels much warmer. And we do get days up to 30 and even to 40C in a heat dome (not a good thing, obviously).

Anyway, that is off topic, but also not, because I know that your summers are regularly in the high 30s/ 40s range and that is incredibly challenging to dress for, making your brilliant summer style all the more remarkable.

Beautiful post with amazing pictures! Thank you for sharing your inspiring story - it hit me with such familiar feelings of "dressing for the office", "not inspiring off work/casual clothes", etc. I'm still in the process of improving my style and merging my "work" and "off work" collections to be more than just functional pieces.
I love every picture you've posted and come back to see it again - I love it all !

Brooklyn. Beautiful, all of it. (Do you write for/in your work)?

I am always overwhelmed by your beautiful outfits - can't find the words to match the creativity, execution, sheer loveliness of what you put together, and how you carry it off.

Glad you found the words today to describe your journey.

Journey on!

So beautiful! Thanks for sharing and taking the time to post all your fabulous outfits. I love your color selections--they work so well with your coloring and with each other.

I'm going to come back later and go through all 35 outfits again when I have more time. I see a beautiful consistency in your style as you have nurtured your wardrobe these last 10 years.

Brava! Have always been wowed and inspired by your creativity. Thank you for articulating so beautifully your style journey, and for so generously sharing your knowledge. I have several dyed garments in my closet that are enjoying a second life thanks to you.

What a lovely post, and wonderful eye candy. I have always admired your style, and your enormous creativity with your wardrobe. I share your love of moody colors.

I am especially drawn to how you have created hot summer looks that fit seamlessly into your style aesthetic. That is something I definitely struggle with.

Beautiful post and so inspirational. I’ve always loved your style and how you execute your vision. Saving/hearting this post to re-read again and again. Thank you for sharing, and of course, Angie is the bomb!

What an absolute treat - both to read and to see your collection of stunning looks. You do have such a unique, bespoke, and extremely gorgeous personal style. Everything your wrote about YLF and Angie is just beautiful. Wow, thank you for sharing and I will be rereading this post for inspiration.

Thanks everyone. I am chuffed by the level of enthusiasm this post has generated.

Jaime, Aquamarine, Sarah. Angie is the bomb! I think she gives us the tools but it’s up to us to do the building.

Sarah, I will try to do some separate posts about outfit formulas. There are a couple I have been finding useful this winter. They do make life easier.

Kate and Suz, summer is definitely the big challenge for me. That’s where I found wearing separates and colour the most useful to create mood.

Merwoman, I am pleased to have inspired an upcycling project.

Ms M, consistency is something that I aim for.

Laurie, I do write for a living but nothing to do with fashion or style. Fashion is a hobby, and a journey, as you say.

Slim cat, good luck! It’s difficult bringing those 2 capsules together. I see a lot of similarities in our style. With summer, as you know, I first decided on a silhouette formula. Then I worked on colour choices, texture etc. Maybe it would be possible for you to come up with a silhouette formula that can be adapted for work or casual: skirt + blouse for work, same skirt + tee for casual or dress pants + blouse for work, same blouse + denim skirt or jeans for casual. You get the idea, I’m sure.

I’ll be back to respond more later …

I have always loved your style and creativity. Your pictures are such a treat. I am also laughing at the temperature of your winter! We are in summer now and average around 18 c if we’re lucky plus plenty of rain. I look forward to following your style journey to see where it takes you.

Thanks pirouette. I discovered the Irish summer some years ago and I was shocked, shocked at the difference But the light is very different from (our) winter and I’m sure the overnight temperatures are much higher than ours in winter. I think you would have no problems dressing for our cold spring.

LJP, that’s very flattering! Being self employed, I have busy periods followed by lean periods when there is little or no work. It’s during the lean periods that I embark on my fashion projects. It is a hobby that I enjoy, so I don’t mind spending the time on it. But it has taken some work to get to this point.

JAileen, thanks. I do notice your comments!

Citygirldc, thanks and cheers!

ChristelJ, thanks. You have lovely summer style! Jewellery can also serve as a way to express personal style, especially in summer. I have had necklaces custom made by Etsy sellers. And they have some great vintage jewellery too.

RobinF, thank you and that’s exactly right! Less strict. A little more relaxed or undone. Off duty Brooklyn.

Chris987, I’m glad you found it so helpful. Suntiger diagnosed me as a dark Autumn some time ago. From my research, that does seem right. I do use that palette mostly but I also stray into winter quite a bit. I think the key is to find colours you like, for whatever reason, and wear them. Even if it’s just a couple of combinations that you really like. Blue-green combinations always make me feel really good and I can wear them all year round. And it feels so much more distinctive and personal than wearing all neutrals.

Cookie, thanks. Siena is snoring next to me right now

This is one of my favorite posts ever. You've always looked great and I love how you have worked to make your outfits even more true to what you want.

Brooklyn, how fabulous to be on a first term basis with your hubs. I'm honoured!

I hope you're walking on clouds reading the incredible and well deserving compliments about your style and writing!

(Sam, Jo and I are with Siena and you in loving the Olympics! The three of us are GLUED to the tele in my spare time at the moment. It's magical!)

Happy YLF anniversary, Brooklyn! I really enjoyed this thoughtful, illuminating post. Your explanation of formulas put them in a new light for me, as did your thoughts about monikers. I haven't been that successful with style monikers for myself, and I like your idea of it as an aspiration rather than a description. Your style journey is so interesting and inspiring. And uniquely yours. Count me among the readers here who always enjoy your posts, and found this one really special. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Thanks FC. I always enjoy your posts and particularly enjoy seeing the items that you made yourself. I think your style is modern and original. Architectural. Svelte. And very urban. I like these goals myself. I may appropriate them.

Bonnie, thank you. I love your posts too! I see your style as norm-breaking, edgy Scandi, bold and original.

Angie, it is wonderful to receive so many lovely comments. I am very flattered. And it’s a tribute to the community you have built here. There is so much nastiness on the internet. And yay for the Olympics

Wow, this was an incredibly satisfying read! I have always really admired your style, but it’s your perspective that truly inspires me. The way you break it all down and analyze your needs, and reference the art, architecture and places that light your fire, and how you bring it all together is just… wow!

I found this very striking: These projects engage me with my wardrobe in a very personal and productive way. There is a unique or bespoke quality to much of my wardrobe that wasn’t there 10 years ago.”

There isn’t a single look here that isn’t stellar, but #5, 9, 10, 15(!!!), 17 and 34 all leapt off the screen at me. Fabulous!

You have always had enviable, distinctive style, Brooklyn. Thank you for sharing such a visual feast!

Thanks Column

Thanks Mary Beth. I think your wardrobe is pretty unique too! I very much admire your thrifting abilities. And, following your leather jacket inspiration, I’ve bought some metallic paint to try painting a handbag. Love a bit of DIY.

So many comments, but felt I had to add. Wow, what great reflection and tribute to YLF. I can also see in my own life, that some of the concepts or strategies from YLF help me.

I have a question--you do have one of the more focused styles in this group. Pertaining to the recent blog post: earth tones or jewel tones, which one are you? Because I see both strongly.

I also got piqued by your tendencies with winter clothes. Too many, how to wear, loving too many, etc. I immediately pulled to mind my mother, who is a fanatical collector of local art in her town (Boulder). She loves the hobby of visiting studios and supporting our local artists. Her walls are saturated already with art--she doesn't need anymore, but she will continue to buy it.

I thought maybe your winter wardrobe is like that. Maybe it's more of an artistic collection than wardrobe. Maybe if you display it a little more, and appreciate all those things as creative objects that you will wear eventually, but mostly that you love having.

Thanks Carol. In the poll on earth tones vs jewel tones I was benched. Earth tones are a more natural fit for my colouring but I do enjoy wearing both.

That’s a very astute comment about the “collector” aspect of my wardrobe. I do have what I sometimes call my “icon strategy”. I give myself permission to buy something I really love, even if I know I won’t wear it often, on the basis that I absolutely love it and it is sufficiently unique to be a wardrobe icon. I will keep it for a long time and wear it (even if occasionally) with joy. My teal velvet flares (in pic 5) are definitely in that category. They are about 5 years old now and I love them to bits. But they are really not suited to everyday wear. Problem is my “icon” category is growing! And while I am comfortable with the idea that not every wardrobe item has to be a workhorse, I also don’t want my wardrobe to become overwhelmed with items that I don’t/can’t wear often. It’s a question of balance.

You have a great eye for prints and colors. Each outfit is lovely on you!