Hi all I was out and about today- had to go to the other side of the city, a particular errand. It’s an area where I lived when I first left my parents’ home, incredibly 40 years ago this year! I shared a house with 3 other young women. It’s still there- I took a photo.
Thought I would check out clothes shops there- one thrift store, one outlet store of a fancy brand called Loobie’s Story, and one other fairly high end boutique.
In the latter I was taken by a tulle skirt, just because my own black tiered tulle skirt is way too big for me now around the middle- it falls down
The 2 women in the boutique were pleasant enough though one of them had that sort of snooty vibe I felt? (Anyone know what I mean, in boutiques? Like are you dressed well enough to even be in there?)
Anyway, in our culture we have this term, “cheap as chips”. I think it comes from fish and chips so originally a British expression? Or like a tub of hot chips, which you call fries in North America?
So I tried it on- it fit but was quite long, and I was not at all sure it would meet #30 wears easily. And she said “Well it’s cheap as chips too- $175!”
I don’t think that’s cheap as chips!
I was wondering earlier about doing a thread about budget and upper limits people are willing to pay. I like to get many items on sale since I don’t want to have a CPW above $5 after my #30 wears so that means not over $150. Some of my clothes are down to under $1 per wear- about 40 of my 146 items. A few are thrifted but mostly were new on sale.
I was intrigued by I think it was Roberta (can’t find the comment on someone else’s thread) having an upper limit of $100? And LJP “refusing to pay” over $100 for jeans? And Stagiare Fash having a usual upper limit of $100 except for the occasional shoes?
My most expensive top was $218- good buy 50 wears so far- and pants $200, dress $203. 6 pairs out of 37 pairs shoes are $200 or above.
No one needs to reveal their budgets I am just intrigued by her comment!
The skirt is polyester with an elastic waist, one size. I did not buy it.

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