Infrequently worn items
No actual counts on these, but most of these clothing items have not yet had 30 wears. (I did not include items purchased in the last few months.) Of these, 8 belong pretty much entirely to my dressy capsule -- and I don't dress up that often. I *do* sometimes dress some of these items down (to a degree), but they were bought in the knowledge they would not be frequently worn. 4 (including 2 in dressy capsule) were bought in the last year -- I may yet wear them more. One is a less-than-perfectly comfortable shoe. Other items were at one time worn frequently but I don't wear them frequently now -- they have, however, had 30 or close to 30 wears over their life in my closet. That would include the tall boots. Four items are coats or "coat like" e.g. Rag and Bone vest and the Hobbs blazer. Here, it may be that I haven't figured out styling. Although the vest is very well loved and was bought under the understanding that it would get few wears per year, but would last a long time in my closet. Finally, four items are white or off-white tops. Why am I not wearing these when I consider white or off white tops an essential (and I *do* wear other white or off-white tops across all seasons on a very regular basis)? 1. Everlane stripe Quite new. Just didn't reach for it as often as I thought I would. I think it may come into its own next year. 2. Anthro textured top. This is a top with legs due to its texture. I will likely wear it more often as time goes by. It will not date. 3. White Boden shirt, oversized. Why do I not reach for it? I don't know. I must experiment with it some more. 4. White boatneck Boden t-shirt. Should be an essential, but I rarely reach for it.