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Shopping Monitoring - JUL24

Collection by Aurore

I've been in a shopping spree lately, and need to get back to a more sensible approach. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Assessment for july: room for improvement. Errors made = shopping in a rush (mispurchase), falling for brand & sale vs actual need (superfluous), too many nice to have. /----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Recap: 2 needs (beach trousers, rashguard), 4 nice-to-have (classy summer trousers that I can wear with flats, white shirt for work, third swimsuit, second pair of casual flat sandals), 1 superfluous (offwhite wedges, pretty and fit well but not needed and I won't wear them a lot), 1 mispurchase (printed casual trousers, useful but fit and fabric not satisfactory). Most money spent on the nice-to-have, which are all investment pieces I intend to keep for years and wear a lot. /--------------------------------------------------------------/ Note: sailor trousers not received yet, so not assessed.