#1 and of coarse #3 are my faves. I am not sure where you are going with #2. My first thought was the Riding of the Bulls. They all look great!

You look fantastic! You did a great job with this challenge. I love how you put "The MaryK stamp" on everything - especially the first outfit with your leopard belt.

I'm totally in love with #1 - YLF.

Ha! I love your grocery shopping outfit! Also, the safari outfit. They're all good. It was a good challenge, too!

Clever challenge, MuseumGal!

As usual MaryK, you are an inspiration. Great jeans and tee outfits! I love the first outfit SO much. It is just how I imagined you wearing jeans and a white tee. You look fab!

Wow, amazing outfits. Nothing cooler than a well-styled white tee and jeans in my opinion, and you've done four versions. I also LOVE #1 but the last one was close to a tie for first - the white loafers are super-cool. Great job!!

How fun to see how versatile a white t really is. And how clever that you couldn't use your go to way to dress for your outfit creations. My favorite is #3, just because I'm a bootcut gal and that little bit of white peeking out from the jeans is super!

I was *so* looking forward to seeing the results of this challenge and MK -- you did not disappoint! I love that leopard belt, but like Lisa, #3 is my favorite because I love the little bit of tee that peeks out.

Please do post your other versions, but since I may not be around later tonight and don't want to hold up your wheels from turning, I'll just tell you now that the person you'll be challenging is #9, which is Carter!

By now you know the drill -- I'll PM Carter and give her a heads up, and whenever you're ready (but after you've posted any additional photos for your own challenge), go ahead and start a new thread for Carter.

MG, you get to go and sit down [at the makeup table] and rest yourself. You killed both parts of your link in the chain and deserve a break!

I love #1. And #4 looks great for a quick trip to the store. You did a wonderful job!

**clapping and whistling**
YLF as usual - I was expecting you bust out some red pumps and a red bag, but that's probably too obvious/easy for you. Love them all especially the first one.

LOL, MuseumGal! Here are the red pumps and red bag with the khakis and white shirt! I was just coming here to post!

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Ha! Great minds think alike! I love this actually - unexpectedly fresh and modern. Fab red bag too!

Thanks again, MG! This was super fun!!

And Deb -- #2 is actually my fave. I think I'm going to an outdoor market in a far-off land! (So yeah, not to far from running of the bulls!)

These are great. It's not easy to pull off all neutrals without being boring, but these are all fantastic. Ready when you are...I think!

Whoo hoo!! You did it! And just look at that pristine new tee!

Notice how we are seeing 4 different jeans silhouettes in your first version? That is awesome. How to play it!

I think you are gong on safari in #2, are you not? Or touring your coffee plantation....

*because the neckline had gotten a little low for my age. Or maybe my age had gotten a little high for the neckline!*


You still managed to cheat on #3, MaryK!

I like #1.

I'm amazed at the variety you achieved despite the restraint required by the challenge. Love the first look, and your added pumps and khakis look, too!

Totally fab and totally you! Great job!

MG, great challenge!

MaryK, fabulous!

I am in awe MaryK! Just brilliant! And guess what ... My favorite is the simplest of all with the white loafers :). Gorgeous in all renditions!

You rose admirably to a tough challenge, Mary! #1 is so cute, I hope you really will wear it. It'll look great with your leather jacket, or will work with all sorts of toppers.
Your khaki pants, white shirt and red accessories outfit is super, too!

#3 is hands down the cream of the crop. #4 is next for me. The white loafers beat the hat, hehe but now we're talking about me...

Fantastic challenge and even more fantastic outfits! Love that they all look "you" and very stylish yet are built purely on the most basic of foundations (it doesn't get much more basic than blue jeans and a white tee).

Well done!

Just love #4, closely followed by #3. The first two are nice too. You did well with the challenge.

You rock MaryK! Well done. And you definitely need to wear #1 out.

#1 is out of the park. So 'simple' and yet perfectly MK due to the proportions and styling alone.

The khaki and red just might be my favorite...but they all look great. I don't own a white tee myself - maybe it's time to rethink this?

MG, great challenge, and MK, I vote that you should keep the tee! #1 is my favorite! I love the khaki and crisp white shirt outfit, too!

Oh these are great fun. The blue jeans and white tees are all fantastic, #1 looks most like MaryK. I have to say I love the khaki and white button up shirt with the red. what a way to take a basic outfit and amp it up! Love

They are all great, but I just love #3! You look wonderful in these neutrals, and those jeans are TDF.