All of these combos are amazing. Than you for taking the expanded challenge version, it was a treat to view. It's specially refreshing to see the planned spring and summer combinations. Hurry up, Spring!

In AWE, mouth drooping, can't-get-my-breath, flushed face, weak in the knees AWE!

This is wonderful, Suz! Can't wait for warm weather to see you wear the okalas for real!

Your fabulousness knows NO bounds, Suz! How do you do it?

You exceeded expectations in your challenge, Suz! Love the versatility in your styling of these foundational aspects of your style. I'm particularly fond of your all white look!

This is so fantastic. What a great wardrobe of clothing you have managed to put together.

Mouth gaping open with awe at your fabness Suz! I lost track of all my favorites but I have to say I absolutely loved your summer looks in every category. Maybe you, Mr. Suz and DD need to spend some time in a hotter country for a change of pace

Wonderful Suz, and such an education for us!

We're not worthy!!!
Suz, you slay me with your sheer fabulosity!
Love them all--it's hard to pick a favorite, but that bare midriff one is especially exquisite!
You really went above and beyond for this challenge! Which doesn't surprise me one bit! Great job!

Oh my gosh!!!! Bare midriff?????? Yes please!!!!!!! Suz you look stunning and that's my favorite outfit ever! Stellar job with all the outfits. Wow!

Wow! This was such a treat, Suz! I loved all of your outfits. Too fun!

Suz it was such a pleasure to setlle back with an over-sized cup of Earl Grey and mull over your pics and the comments. Such a visual feast.
My all out favourite is the white out with fluid knit.

OMG!!! Suz, what a stellar bunch of outfits. Stunning. *does little happy dance*

Wow! You look incredible in every outfit. Amazing job.

What a fabulous challenge, Dee and Suz, all your outfits are fabulous, too.
I think I learned a lot from what you shared, so many great ideas, I will put this challenge in my favorites for future reference.

Wow, that was such a clever challenge, Dee! And I only rushed through Suz's posted picties by now-and she of course did an beyond amazing job, can't wait to sit down and read her thoughts, and all the comments! Hah, this thread has to be thaught in fashion school!:-)

Oh, I see I missed some great challenges-sadly, but went back to see them now:

Dee: I loved your mini capsule which you came out with on Sharon's challenge, you have great style and all was very inspiring! Esp loved the turquoise shoes:-)

Sharon: Your Anne Fontaine shirt from Hong Kong (and the styling with the croped top)is breathtaking! I cannot even say anything more intelligent cuz,... Plonkkk!:-)

Abergine: Loved your challenged outfits, too. Esp those with sheer hose-showing of great legs is so springy! And, I'm trully amazed how well you can wear the black and white marble chunky cardi there. +Love your red bag!

I'm awed. You are amazing! Of course I loved all of your outfits, but the outfit that stood out for me in particular was the white outfit with the sweater over your shoulders (fluid knit). Creative.

Boy, I need lessons. You know how to put things to work, Suz. I'm realising I'm sort of a uniform dresser. I wear the same type of thing with the same type of thing, just change the pattern and colours. Lol.

Rachylou, that is funny, because I think that is what I do! Same thing with same thing, change colours or maybe the pattern, or don't even change the colours.

I kinda like it, in the end. Uniforms are me.

I'm with the choir here, this is very inspirational! You really look great in all the different looks. Wow!

Such fun to read and enjoy Dee and Suz!

What an amazing challenge & the response is totally awesome. Love ALL the looks - your creativity & your wardrobe are in great shape Suz.

Amazing!! Very very cool outfits, and I love how all your wardrobe items are all heavy lifters. They work well on you, and they work well together in infinite varieties.

Swooning at the blazer with the kitty shirt and in the outfit with the hoodie.

The chambray shirt layered with your sweater inspired me to go out and buy a b/w leopard print shirt which I plan to pair with a pastel, the image of it just burned in my brain the first time you posted it