Bravo! I really enjoyed to see items go across all 4 seasons. I think it's great when pieces can work year round. Did you find a new favorite outfit combination from this challenge? Hope you recover from oral surgery soon!

Thanks, all! It was pretty amazing to see that yes, I can indeed wear the same item across all seasons. Admittedly, jeans and blazer and dress really don't work all that well in the summer for me, but if I had air conditioning it would be another story, and even without, there are occasions when I'll go to air conditioned places.

Lisa, I think my favourite new combinations (unsurprisingly) were the ones I had never tried or even imagined before -- the white out with fluid knit as scarf, and the midriff baring jeans outfit. Not that I am likely to wear that one out of the house.

It was really great to see how versatile those items could be ... admittedly, in the hottest days of summer, they might not be perfect for outdoors, but as you say, by then we'll be hiding in a/c and they'll be awesome.

You really did an outstanding job

I am speechless. You really nailed this Suz..

To me, it's better than Audrey Hepburn.

Suz, you're brilliant! I love the dress with your Cons.

Such the fab overachiever! These are all fantastic! Major challenge meets major success.

Oh My Goodness, Suz. You are just so darn fab. How you have the time and energy I will just never know!

My absolute favorite is #3 in the first set followed by #5 in the second set. White jeans! You rock them so well.

Fantastic job with this challenge! If I ever reach your level of style that would be a major accomplishment!

Madly clapping hands for the four part play! Whistle, whistle, Whistle. Suz, you did an amazing job with the challenge!

I'm very impressed how you rose to the challenge! Each and every outfit is great. I especially like the Spring blazer and the Fall dress. Well done!

I too am in awe! What a terrific job!

Wow, such a great job, Suz! Masterful, and so enjoyable to follow along.

For those of you unfamiliar with American baseball, this is what it sounds like when someone knocks one out of the park:

(Okay, I'm sorry the example has the Yankees pulling ahead of my beloved Red Sox, but it was all I could find.)

That was absolutely breathtaking, Suz! Extra credit to the power of extra credit. Majorly major. I just knew this would be a terrific challenge. I love the distressed jeans and if they're age-inappropriate, I'm right there with you in the inappropriate chair.

So Suz, after this epic showing, we must allow Dee to flop down on chaise and rest while you step up to formulate the next challenge. And that challenge goes to #37, which is Hil.

Whenever you're ready, you know what to do...

Fabulous! Both the challenge and the amazing response to it.

Suz, you went above and beyond my wildest expectations! And in such a fantastic way! I want to congratulate you on being such a keener - a word I had never heard before I moved to Canada, by the way.

Not only did you manage all four seasons, but to do it with four different pieces is amazing and definitely inspirational. I'm especially happy that you ended up with some new-to-you combinations and impressed that you managed such trendy looks from your existing pieces. These challenges keep making me rethink how versatile my clothes really are and this is a perfect illustration of that. I don't think I could even pick a favorite out of all the looks your posted, but I'll definitely be going back to them over the course of the year.

I hope you had fun with this and keep your fingers crossed that spring arrives soon!

Suz, your love of fashion and generous spirit shine through yet again in your response to Dee's challenge. I love your mischievous smile in the midriff-baring pic, and I'm awed by your creative use of your sweater in the summer styling; I was wondering how you would wear it in summer. Soon enough you'll be using your spring and summer stylings.

Aw, thank you all. And April, that was so much fun, although I cannot possibly let Mr. Suz hear it; he's from Boston originally, so you know who he roots for.

Dee, it was your fine challenge that inspired all the effort, and truly, it was a fun way to spend an hour this afternoon when I'd otherwise have been procrastinating (er, I mean trying to work) some other way. Plus, I got some new outfits out of the deal.

Now, off to sharpen my wits to challenge Hil! This should be fun indeed.

Wow. That was even more amazing than I imagined... And I already imagined that you would do wonderful on this challenge! Every look was just perfectly done and so full of ideas and inspiration. I am completely in awe...

I adore all of your blazer outfits. I especially like the pattern mixes with the tops for spring and summer - spring repeats the colors, and summer gets the intensity!

The sweater outfits are also fun - those colors look great on you, and you pull of white so well, too!

Jeans, also lovely! How do you make such classic pieces look like such a spectacular statement?

And what a perfect dress!

So impressed by all of them.

AMAZING! You completely knocked it out of the park, Suz. These challenges are so much fun and are such a fantastic learning experience. I can't pick a favorite - I love them all. Oh wait, yes I can - it's the distressed jeans and midriff baring one - you rebel rouser you!

BTW, I'd love to go shopping with you for additional blazers

Suz, you are AMAZING!

Killer to the power of Killer

You nailed the challenge, Darling Suz. Very fun to see you in all white with our Okalas. xo

Amazing and inspirational. You mean this only took an hour to come up with so many terrific ideas? I especially love all the looks you put together with the white jeans -- bring on the warm weather!

My goodness, you outdid yourself, Suz! Spectacular, really.

Super challenge, Dee! Your thoughtful challenge and Suz's fab response have given me much to think about. Thanks for the inspiration!

The thoroughness and awesomeness here have just left me speechless!

Whew, Angie, I am fanning myself! Thank you!! (Bows low).

Honestly, it wasn't that much work because it was really only the spring/ summer outfits I had to create and try on. I'd already worn (and taken photos) of all the others.