I know it's kind of silly to ask what to wear for a conference. After all, the top is dictated. Still, I'd like your input on the bottom half, proportions, and how to deal with the potentially frigid A/C.

Most of the populace will be men in polos and khakis. (Or button-up shirts over their khakis). Even the people selling things tend to dress fairly casual. Some booths will have "attention-getting" dress (see pic #1 - the sales force of a company that will be there). I don't want to look like them, but a little sass is okay (or something easy-to-remember visually).

Also, this is the one time of the year that my co-workers and I work face-to-face, so my manager and the other's entire visual and personal opinions of me are formed at this conference. So I want to look competent and professional.

So here's some ideas. I'm guessing that the black long pants are fine, right? What do you think of the white? And the black skinnies? Are skinnies professional? Are the gray frumpy? It's a three-day conference, so I need three options. I also have some navy chinos that problably could work, and I'm working on a pair of pleated charcoal tapered pants that if I get finished would work too...

I'll probably take along a black cardigan (or maybe my moto!), and/or a blazer too....

So yeah - which of these work? What else should I try? I'll be posting later with "evening" ideas - there's two social evening functions where the work-shirt won't be required (though most people still wear theirs to id their company. I'm thinking that I'll have my conference nametag, so I can wear something else, right?)

The pants options: Black wide-leg (#2), white jeans (#3), gray wide-leg (#4), black skinnies (#5).
The shoe options: Black booties, black peep-toe pumps, black/white saddle shoes. I'm not sure what others I have that would be comfy enough for the 12-16 hours on your feet days.

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