I picked up this jacket at GoodWill last month. It had three holes in the sleeve, but I thought it might be worth trying to repair because of the brand.

I've now started the repair, and think that with some careful attention, it'll be a success. But before I put in the time to finish, I thought I'd ask - is it worth the effort?

It's an immaculately-made jacket, but not young. It's silk-lined polyester (why?!), and black with pin stripes. Is the shape outdated? The length? The style? Does it fit me properly? Are the sleeves a current width? (Didn't really get a good shot of them though...)

Worn here over a shirt and a shell. I'd most likely wear it over something of similar weight and thickness.

I lightened all the pictures to try to make it so you can see detail

#1 from the side, buttoned. The three (partially repaired) holes are on this sleeve.
#2 open
#3 close up of collar shape
#4 from back, open
#5 from back, buttoned
#6, buttoned

Thanks for your help and thoughts on this potential project!

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