Thanks, all-- and as usual, thanks Angie for the inspiration. Susie, you're right we are bootie twins! NDMom, I would definitely try these on before committing. They're not horrid, but you know....they're not house slippers, either!

I don't have trouble with this stark contrast, Mo. I am wondering if I should, though. I mean, maybe this is not the best look for me. I do think it helps that the booties have a heel. Not a huge one, but it's almost 2 inches, I think. And I also think the belt helps to bridge because it's mid-toned, similar to my hair, with a bit of dark. I'm trying to work out this stuff now...what works best for my particular colouring and proportions (and personality) in terms of contrast.

You look fantastic in this dark contrast. The white jeans cannot fail to succeed whether you go dark or light for a top.
Hey, the belt designer is one of my favourites. I've tot a lot of his/her? stuff.

Oh, by no means did I want to imply that you should have issue with the contrast, just curious if you do. I sometimes wonder about these things. Like my post on long sleeves with shorts. It's a big no for some, yet tanks with booties and jeans makes sense to them . . . ya know? I was trying to think back on high contrast outfits and I did wear - a white button front with black skinnies, but the shoes were red peep toes. I wonder how I'd have felt with light shoes? Hmm. . .
Anyway, just curious, no criticism whatsoever! Sorry if it might have come across that way.

Oh yes, this is awesome, and that pea coat is super-sharp contrasted against the jeans. And NO, your thighs don't look like two whales in them! You're hilarious. Your legs always look beautifully toned so no worries in that regard. I just bought some black riding boots which I need to "Ask Angie" about, and I was trying them on with white jeans and a black blazer just this evening, wondering, "Can I wear black boots with white jeans?" so thanks for showing me how it's done!

PS My new(ly thrifted) white jeans sort of bagged out a bit--and not enough to look like BF jeans. I don't like the way they make my legs look in pictures. They have been in and out of the donate bag several times in the last week. I think white jeans make a lot of us paranoid! But you can't argue with the wonderful crisp look they create with winter outfits like yours. I love the drama of this "reverse waiter" look. From one closeted diva to another.

Mo, no offence taken at all! Claire has got me seriously thinking about this colour value/ visual weight thing; it probably goes along with my thoughts about going grey (not that it would change my overall look all that much -- I'd still be "light" on top.)

Claire, these jeans are totally fab, but they also bag out! It actually doesn't bother me all that much now that I'm used to looking down at my pet whales. In fact, I kind of like it. They're not boyfriends, they're not slouchy, but they get looser in bum and thigh as the day is what it is.

I think you can absolutely wear black boots with white jeans. Emmanuelle Alt does it, so you can, too!

Thank you so much, Suz. You've given me so much to think about! I feel like you should be charging me for your insightful color analysis as I'm just blown away by your thought-provoking deep and so thorough and so right on the money.

Like you, I've always struggled with winter/dark bottoms/dark footwear (especially the ubiquitous dark denim). White or winter white
pants/skirts/shorts have always found a place in my wardrobe, not
because I knew anything about color, but just because they somehow
"worked." And like you say, dark dresses with skin showing on
the leg likewise. (Another light bulb clicks on!) But until reading
your comments and Claire's post, I never, ever understood why, so I thank

Finally, and then I promise I'll stop hijacking your WIW :-), I grew up in
the upper Midwest, but moved to the desert Southwest over 15 years
ago. In some regards that has made the winters, such as they are, a
bit easier color wise at least, as I can wear white longer. I too
wish I could pull off strong silver jewelry like Deborah does so well, but it
just doesn't seem to suit me. Maybe it's because gold works better for my
coloring, or because jewelry overpowers me somehow, despite my height. I
did accidently discover though that I can throw on a leopard print scarf,
or cognac tall boots, with black, and just "feel" better. Now
I see why...and I clearly need to experiment more and follow along as
you so beautifully lead the way!

Shemarie - I don't consider this a hijack at all! Angie's a great inspiration of course -- she manages to bring light into almost all her winter outfits. But I'm very much still a learner. I share your love for the leopard, though -- I use a leopard print scarf a lot in winter, too. It ties my hair to the navy, charcoal, or black and unifies the whole outfit.

Another trick I have learned from Angie is patterned footwear and belts. You see the belt in action in this outfit. Patterned footwear can be similarly unifying. I really like the way a leopard shoe or snakeskin pattern work.

Gorgeous. I loved last years version with the turtleneck and am so impressed you switched out for daytime are really keeping up with the fashion! I must say Suz, I think you are the poster prince for YLF, you are obviously having such success and fun these days!

Great interpretation of Angie's formula!

Suz, to be honest I learnt from this blog that they"re different colours for Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter.I'm wearing same colours year around.Except maybe in summer lighter shoes and bag.I'm Soft Summer BTW, and look up to you for colour inspiration. And thank you very much for your taupe epiphany!