You're so good with layers. These are both great. Beautiful picture!

This is brilliant Suz!
I picked up a chambray shirt tonight at ON for about $6, so am looking forward to playing with it!

What a gorgeous inspiration pic, and I love your renditions. You even got the colors in the right places-- white on the bottom for the snowy ground, and blue and blush on top, representing the colors of the sky. You look pretty and warm in both outfits.

Beautiful photo Suz! Love both outfits too!

Your landscape makes me miss real winter so much. And your interpretation of it is brilliant!

Suz, this is amazing. The scenery, your interpretation and the variation too. I have been thinking a lot about style in Winter (my own and people I see on the street) and regardless of how bare, dry and discoloured it may seem, you prove that we just need to open our eyes and souls for the inspiration.

Thanks for the shoutout

I prefer 2 to 3. But both fit this beautiful scenery and daylight. Winter HAS the best sunny days; I keep telling people. (The low temperatures might be irritating some times, but no spring/autumn/summer day beats winter when it comes to light play on the sky... IMHO)

Such pretty colours in your pic Suz!
You are looking warm and lovely here.
Alas, now that Autumn is approaching I saw nothing but black/ white and orange in Target yesterday. At least I didn't even stop to browse.

So beautiful! I agree that pastels and white suit winter time well and your interpretation is amazing!

So lovely! (Both the inspiration picture and you). Every time I see a picture like this it makes me want to visit the Northern Hemisphere in winter. Your interpretation is beautiful and those colours are perfect for you.

Beautiful! We are desperate for snow here. You look radiant and very Alpenglow-ish.

Snow is so beautiful - especially in pictures. You look terrific as ever Suz!

Love this!! The snow and the outfits!!

What a fabulous inspiration photo, and a great interpretation of Angie's recent outfit post. I find white jeans work well on days when the it's cold enough to keep the streets devoid of slush!

There is beauty in winter snow -- and winter dressing!

Look at all that SNOW! But, you make it look beautiful, Suz, and I love your layered look.

Love the look. I just bought my first pair of white jeans (ever!) last week and your outfit is an inspiration. May I ask where the chambray shirt is from ? I have one on my "wish list".

Great outfit. It looks fantastic on you! I love the idea of being inspired by the landscape to create an outfit. I'll have to try that idea out!

I often find that when the weather is gray or wet I coincidentally seem to wear a lot of monochromatic grays that day.

One of my co-workers said something to me recently that made me laugh. She gets worried that if I'm not wearing orange in my outfit that day (my favorite color in all it's glorious shades) then I'm not in a good mood.

It's not really true but I thought it interesting that she would draw that parallel of my mood being tied to the color I'm wearing.

I still haven't brought myself to wear white jeans. I bought a pair of skinny jeans in white at the thrift store last month. I read Angie's post and have tried out some of the ideas but every time I actually put them on I feel like the outfit just doesn't look good on me. So seeing you rock the white jeans is really inspiring me to try again!

Thanks, all!

Pam, my shirt is a Halogen one from Nordstrom. They don't actually have the exact same one anymore, it looks like, but this is similar:

Leopardluxe, I found that I felt extremely weird and "not me" the first three times I wore my white jeans in public. I thought my thighs looked like whales and everyone must be staring in dismay. But after that I got over myself!

Oh, this is surely a landscape to dress for, Suz! Love your interpretations, and agree pastels can be so in tune with a painting like this:-). You are so lucky to be part of that beauty! By us is grey and gloomy. Everyday. We barely had snow this year, and I miss it!

What a controversy. In my neighborhood there are lots of snow in wintery season, yet not this year.

Nonetheless, I like your outfit, and, I guess, matching the colors of the surrounding landscapes might become a real fashion trend in some time in contrast to commonplace preference of contrasts! You're posted examplary outfits! Thanks for sharing!