You look lovely. I really like this combination, not boring at all. Feel all better soon! I just got over what sounds like the same thing, could it have traveled so far so fast?

Great Fall-Back outfit - for when you have to drag yourself out of bed and go to work! The sweater is lovely on you - and belting it takes it from "bleh" to "stylish!" Hope you start feeling better!

We've been deprived of your beautiful smile. Nothing boring here. The cardigan is a wonderful topper for the black sheath. I hope you got through your day feeling better. Sinus infections are awful.

I noticed you hadn't posted... thought you might have run out of clothes... just kidding

So sorry you haven't been well. Sinus is the worst. Well you look fabulous. This outfit makes my heart sing. It is simple, great clean lines, elegant and oh so chic.

I was wondering why I hadn't seen a wiw post from you this week! Sorry to hear you we're sick, hopefully you'll recover quickly with drugs.

How can someone ill look so FANTASTIC!