This couldn't be more perfect for you, Shannon. The cut of the blouse, the pattern, the soft colour. And it's absolutely beautiful with those fab shoes and your white trousers. You are on a roll this Summer, my word.

Stunning!!! One of my very favorites on you! You absolutely know how to dress your body, and every piece from shoes to pants to top *get* you.

Shannon, you are slaying me with your recent purchases, like Suz, I WANT! Do I detect a bit of lace cami peeking at the neckline? Please tell me it is sheerish so I can get over my blouse lust (I am soon moving to a place where I won't be able to stand a double layer). At least, that is what I will tell myself as I clutch my wallet CLOSED with both hands!

Gorgeous outfit & the colours really suit you. So fresh.

Cindy - you're in luck I guess. The blouse is a wee bit sheer and I'm wearing a cami with a lace neckline underneath.

Whew! It is simply stunning on you, and probably my favorite of your recent outfits but they have all been fab!

I am not wearing my crash helmet

This is seriously one of my favs on you. And you are looking so amazing I'm wishing I could wear this colour... but I can't.


Lovely blouse! Kind of a kimono- handkerchief ! Really nice proportions worn the pants. I like how the sloes and the neatness if the outfit elevate it from what could be just a casual white jeans look.

Shannon I thought I had commented last night... must have dreamt it:)

Stunning blouse. It honestly looks like it was made for you. The colours are so flattering. This is going to be a prized piece in your wardrobe.

Shannon, the blouse looks gorgeous on you! So light and feminine!

Was waiting so see you in this - I can't wear this color but you look BEAUTIFUL!

Sooo, sooo pretty. I am dying! And those shoes are perfect for the outfit!

What a gorgeous blouse. The whole outfit is perfect, it just couldn't be better and you look lovely

Beautifully styled!