Shannon, I began reading your post like I always do, every word, and then I got to .."added my large polka dot hose..." - and you know my polka dot addiction - so I HAD to immediately go to your pics! OMGoodness, I absolutely, positively, beyond question or reason of doubt, LOVE THIS OUTFIT! Does it work? DOES IT WORK? Not only does it work, it's beyond killer! I must copy this immediately. As in today. Oh wait, I don't have polka dot hose or a snakeskin print blouse...but I am going to the stores today to make some returns...I could apply a little girl math (I love girl math)...

OK, I've caught my breath now, I did go back and finish reading (but I can't stop clicking on those pics) - I see no reason to have the neckline changed, it's gorgeous as is.

What a fab outfit! I rather like the neckline as it is and like Kari, I love the idea of polka dot tights. YLF.

Wow, love the sheath and blouse, the spotty tights are gorgeous with the booties, I need a sheath !!!!!!