Cheering for you!

You look fabulous! I marched on Saturday too. Portland had Facebook confirmations for around 40K prior to the march. The end of the day march participation was estimated at closer to 100K! And no conflicts, entirely peaceful. My favorite accessory? My mom! She has back pain, so I was immensely proud of her for marching. She felt so passionately about the issues that she couldn't not march!

I live in a silo; my community including Congressperson and Senators, at least one Senator, are likely to vote on everything as I prefer. So as a constituent, I don't really see the value in contacting them on issues. Why would my opinion make any difference to elected officials for whom I am not a constituent? The only area where I'm thinking my opinion might matter is if there's machinations on a Muslim registry or worse. Both of my parents worked hard for redress for Japanese Americans incarcerated during WWII, my mother on the national level. Am I mistaken?

I see as a greater -- my greatest -- challenge is to truly listen to those with whom I do not agree. Not that I will engage trolls or subscribe to Breitbart, but I do have to admit that friends' FB links are all to the same left leaning sources. I joke that one friend is going soft whenever she posts cute animals instead of something political. Listening with love is the hardest. . .

Great shirts, love the color! I loved the pink hats and am actually making some now, late I know, but thinking they may also be used going forward.