Yesterday I said I was done with Flavia series, but putting together the outfit for the Picture Perfect Challenge made me think there's so much more to it. So, I decided to play with the Day 5 outfit of the series and explore the formula of turtleneck+jeans+scarf more.

Below is the result made up entirely from:

  • 2 turtlenecks (1 black, 1 white)
  • 3 pairs of jeans (1 skinnies, 1 bootcuts, 1 straight white jeans)
  • 1 striped scarf
  • 1 chunky silver bracelet

I think this is definitely the last post from Flavia series as from tomorrow I'm back to the language course after a short break, which means less timeā€¦ but, the good thing is I'll see Flavia again


  1. All outfits
  2. What I posted in Picture Perfect Day 1, which then lead to the rest (3.-7.)
  3. Outfits with the white turtleneck, swapping the jeans
  4. Outfits with the black turtleneck, swapping the jeans
  5. Outfits with the skinnies, swapping the turtlenecks
  6. Outfits with the bootcuts, swapping the turtlenecks
  7. Outfits with the white jeans, swapping the turtlenecks

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