This is really scary. I am glad you are OK.

Wow, that's scary! Glad you're ok! I probably would've froze, it was smart thinking to take his picture.

OMG how scary! I can't believe how crazy people are. Wow, you even had the presence of mind to take his pic and get his license plate? I would file a report anyways! So so glad you two are OK. You look fab as usual, BTW.

God that is scary! glad you are okay!!!

Oh Rae, so sorry this happened! So glad that you both are OK.

Whoa. Rae, that sounds seriously horrible!! I am so glad you and hubs are all right. What a nightmare. I am with Angie. It would take me a lot of cups of tea to settle after that...

Thank you all, it is very comforting to have all this positive energy around. There was definitely a bad moon out yesterday, because I got a call at 7pm that my sister was rear ended on the freeway! She is mostly fine (thank heaven and knock on wood), but needed muscle relaxers. Her car is totally destroyed, though. And then a friend almost got hit by a speeding car running a red light... What a bad day to be on the road!

Oh, rae. I usually refrain from cursing on YLF, but shit. That's effed up. I'm so glad you're physically okay, but that's really scary. Try and do whatever you need to to feel better, even if it's buying something normally out of budget. Sending calming thoughts your way.

You poor baby! At first, I thought I was going to see the photo of Mr. Angry Needs Anger Management Classes here!

How frightening and hopefully this was a random act and he will disappear or, better yet, learn to control his temper and see why his buttons are pushed so quickly. I'm just glad you were driving defensively. We need you here and happy with a smiling face! ^_^

He was baging on your car ? That is property destruction/vandalization.

Rae, it doesn't matter if the police do nothing with the report, what matters is that you document it. Go the police station and fill out a report and attach his picture. If the police say it is pointless, you tell them that you want it documented. This guy sounds as if he is incensed with what he view as speeders down his road. He is going to hurt someone. It needs to be documented somewhere that this is going on. I'll bet there are others. This could be an example of some loose wire that no one does anything about until he goes nuts and hurts someone.

Also, NEVER wait for a light to change if you are in a dangerous situation. Make sure it is safe, then BLOW THE LIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! Hopefully this was a random act that will never happen again.

That same thing once happened to my mom. Since she was downtown near the police station, she chose to drive to the police station. When the guy who was trying to get into her car (he was on a bicycle, banging on her window and trying to open her car door) realized where she was going, he let go and disappeared.

Nowadays with cell phones so readily accessible, if this happened to me and I was not in the car alone, I would have the passenger take a pic of the perpetrator.

Wow. I haven't been around much this week so I missed this thread, but....holy shit. I'm glad you're OK, Rae! How frightening.

Frightening and scary! Very glad you and DH are ok. Take care, rest up and know with yourself you did the right thing by taking pic and calling the police. Frustrating about the police, but you did your best anyway.

Wow! I'm glad you're ok.

Just seeing this so I'm a little late, but ITA with Isabel. Glad you're ok!

I had something similar happen many years ago when I was in my early 20s and still living at my mom's house. A guy cut me off with barely an inch to spare -- almost hit my car -- and my immature shocked reaction was to not only hit the brakes and the horn but also flip him the bird (I stopped doing that after this incident). Well, he slammed on his brakes, blocking me in my lane, and got out of the car and started coming towards me, yelling. I managed to get around his car to get out of there, but he jumped back in the car and started following me. I was so rattled I just wanted to get home (I was only about 3 miles from home), and I thought he'd give up and turn off, but as I got closer to home, I realized he wasn't giving up. Rather than go home and let him see where I lived, I just started driving around in circles, and eventually he turned off and left me alone. Of course this was long before cell phones. So scary!

Janet, or anyone interested, if that happens drive to a police station, if you know where one is.

Wow. Scary.

And Gad. No law on the ground.

OMG, Rae, what an awful thing to experience! And your sister and friend too, all in the same day! Nutso. These other stories are really scary too. I hope you have managed to put it behind you today. I would probably feel sort of edgy for a few days!

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you are ok, Rae! What a terrible thing to happen. It's really eye-opening to hear everyone's stories. It's a crazy world out there.

I didn't see this when it was first posted, but after Julie asked how you were doing, I went looking through the threads to find out what happened.

YIKES Rae....geesh.

I'd be all freaked out.

Are you ok? I mean, this must have been really scary and nerve-wracking, and I'm just wondering if you're ok now? I don't know about you, but in my own experience, I tend to 'feel' the effects *after* something has happened. If this is the case for you too - sending lots and lots of good thoughts so that you feel safe and secure again.

And while I know it seems silly, the best thing you can do is get back into the car and drive all over the place again - the general idea is to replace the memory of this scary experience with all-new, "ok" and perfectly safe experiences in the car. Does that make sense? It's important, even if it seems silly. Go driving around ASAP and replace the memory of this recent, very negative experience with new and better experiences, so that this incident doesn't stand a chance of looming over you too much.

In the meantime, I'm sending (virtually) my big black lab, "Gus" and all of his friends to hang out on your front step, porch or doorway to make sure nobody makes you feel scared. Gus and his friends promise not to bother your kitty cat, but they *will* make sure that no one comes to bother you.

Hang in there, and here's hoping you're getting a good night's sleep after this drama, and that you feel a million times better by tomorrow morning.

Yikes, Rae!! I'm so sorry this happened to you!! Big hugs!!!

That is soooo scary! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that Rae!

Mental hugs to everyone for their continued thoughts. We are indeed trying to put it all behind. Since neither we nor our car was damaged, we are focusing on my sister right now, who is without a vehicle for the moment and taking muscle relaxers.

VC, thank you for the advice about driving around more. I actually had to go out to a mixer that evening by myself, and it wasn't as bad as I thought.

BUT, you can bet that I now know where the local police station is!