#2 and 3 are terrific. Blue looks great on you!

It looks great belted. It seems really long unbelted but maybe a little more heel would help lengthen the lower leg.

Another stunningly dramatic look from you, Deborah! As others have said, you're so inventive. I like the looks in pics 1-4, I agree that the belting is fantastic with this item. It's a keeper for sure!

So on trend with the wide Obi Belt! Deb - you must be clasisified as a "winter" in your colour analysis? You look great in the black and bright colors.

I love what you did. You are so resourceful! The last styling is quite dramatic, and I like it. How did it move? The belted look is more approachable and conventionally flattering. The last outfit looks like something that would look great at an art opening.

And fear not, you look amazing with waist definition RIGHT NOW, as you are! It actually surprises me that you would think this way. Although I understand the desire for a slim midsection, I chase that dream as well, harder and harder to achieve as the years add up.

My god! Can it be more creative that that!! The belted version is something I have seen it first on You only, and LOVE, but I don't really like it with the short jacket layered on...Maybe you can wear it on it's own, and layer only for driving the car, or so? Agree the last look is a bit owerhelming you:-(.