I love this and it makes me rethink tights and open toed shoes, a look I was never fond of before.

WOW guys, thanks for all the amazing comments! I suppose this is a unanimous vote for me to continue pursuing this style, eh?

hbaber - Can't wait to see your teal Seychelles

AJ - I do find these sandals comfy (especially with that thick heel), but I also mostly sit at work. While walking they felt nice though, so hopefully I'll get a chance to walk in them more and give you a more accurate review.

MNsara - I'll be sure to try this with a belt for next time, especially if the top is as long as this one is.

You look chic and put together with simple pieces in an interesting and feminine way. The best look I've seen you wear. The sandals and tights combo has me reeling. It's just too fab.

Thanks Kyle and Aunty!

I like how you took chances here. Nice to see you wearing a skirt. I have a pair of peep toe booties and have been dying to wear them with stockings, for comfort and warmth. Maybe I will try it! Thanks for breaking in a new look for us to try out Aida!

Denise I think peep toe booties look great with stockings, and have worn mine that way and loved it; thanks for the reminder to do it more often! I do hope you'll post your look (You'll see me start to wear more skirts/dresses as the weather warms up!)