I'm quite fearful of advanced pattern mixing, but I do really like this whole look. I echo all the praise from other members. Superb!

And I love the mixing of cool and warm. I've been mixing bronze/organe and silver/grey like mad. I think I bridge Sprign and Summer as I have pink and yellow undertones.

pattern mix perfection, well done!! very fun outfit, cheered me up looking at your fabness!

This looks fab, Aida! There is something very witty and charming about this mix (maybe it's your sly smile too :). Maybe you will convert a few people to dip their toe into the pattern mixing pond!

fab love. Your scientific backgroung makes you more artistic in a way I think ( maybe I'm philosophizing) or there is mroe science than art in pattern mixing.

In a roundabout manner of speaking I'm trying to say you are so very, very good at this ( pattern mixing)!!!

My goodness ladies, you do know how to make a gal blush. Thank you all SO much for the comments, I am beyond thrilled that so many of you liked this mix!! An amusing story: After work I met up with some type-interested locals (graphic designers, type designers, teachers, etc.). I was chatting with one of the typographers about business and he stopped, mid sentence, and commented on how much he appreciated that I'd put the two prints next to each other. I was super surprised! And he couldn't even see the shoes!

Angie, thank you!! I wouldn't have thought of putting these together without your post, but boy does it open up a bunch of possibilities for this cardigan for me!

Katiepea, thanks! The booties are the Matisse Nugent booties that Angie posted. Both of those links have some good close-up photos.

ButterflyLady, I bet your new snakeskin dress could be mixed wonderfully! Tights or cardigan or jacket or shoes.... (Ok now I'm excited! Try one and post it? Pretty please? )

Lantana, thank you very much! I need a few additional "boost" and "blush" buttons for your post

Jjsloane, highfive fellow warm/cool mixer!

Jonesy, that would be delightful! A girl can hope

Sona, hehe thank you! My background is truly in art, but I've always been into science and math. I find math especially to be an incredibly artistic field, and a big part of why I went into computer science is that I think THAT is a very creative science as well (though not many other people seem to). I've always had a knack for using the scientific half of my brain to explain the artistic half and vice versa, and my work heavily requires that I solve artistic problems with scientific means. One of the biggest things YLF has helped me with is realizing that it's okay to apply this to fashion as well, and I am forever grateful for that! OK and all that to say that I totally approach pattern mixing with the artistic half of my brain

You are such an expert pattern mixer Aida! I just love how effortless and chic they look when you put it all together. I would never have thought.

Fab pattern mixing here! Those shoes are so fun!

Aida - I'm still very much on Style 101 at the moment - baby steps! I will get there in the end with the pattern mixing ....

OK - this is a skill to be sure: mixing all these patterns/textures and making it look ridiculousy awesome. Well done.

Thank you LoP, Lisa, and Karina!

ButterflyLady, well I look forward to your snakeskin dress pattern mix post when it's ready