Fantastic! I love #1 and #3 but they all look great!

Thank you for the lovely comments ladies, they really made my day!
AJ, I am DUE to a new haircut LOL. Hopefully I can have it this week..k
kkards, it was Shannon who found these pants in Sears, I just followed in her footsteps. Luckily for Shannon she does not have any issue with the length unlike myself
Suz, I cannot wait to see your version of BR sweater with snake accessories!
Wow Krish, you completely blew me away with your comment and amount of time and thought you put into it! Thank you very much!!! As for the cardi in #2: I think it does not photograph well.It is not grey but black and white stripe but they are always blurred in the pictures. I also thank you for the suggestion to try trousers from #3 as cropped: I will ask my mom if they can be tapered more and then I would be able to wear them as cropped length!
Kyle, do you have a picture of your trousers or can you link to them? I would love to see how they look with a black band on the bottom.
Thistle, my fingers are crossed that Danier will expand to US...
Day Vies, fit is very important to me as well, nothing makes me feel 'meh' like badly fitting clothes!
Angie, thanks for 'K' rating! You are truly a fairy god mother of my trouser outfits!
Sara, it may be an overall shift with cropped jackets for us: they just feel off to me now. It also maybe because I wore a lot of tunic tops with slinnies and boots before and cropped jackets felt right with tunics. I wear different tops and trousers this year and they don't play as well with cropped jackets...
Tina, I cannot believ that I did not have a single striped garment just 2 years ago and hated stripes. Now I cannot get enough of them!
Lyn D, LOL! You are welcome to borrow my semi tuck any time! I find it more flattering on lower rise trousers and curvier hips that a full tuck so it works for me.
Eliza, I hope your daughter can embrace her height and be proud of it. It is not always easy to be a tall gal but it has its own merits for sure I wish I understood it in my 20s, it would spare me a lot of moral anguish...

I like them all, but I really love #4 - those winter white trousers are fabulous!

I've said it before, but it must really make the women you work with have to step up their game when you show up, day after day. looking this fantastic.
What an eye and a body for fashion that you have.

Where have I been? How did I miss this?These are all knockouts Sveta!
and I can totally commiserate on the pant length .... ack....

There's no way I could possibly pick a favorite; each one is more amazing than the last. I am wowed!