Denise, you totally rock this and that hat, that hat! Beyond cool!
Perfect ranch look for you.

This is incredible! I am bowled over. And full of nostalgia for my spaghetti western period.

Denise, this is just awesome!

OMG! The poncho! The hat! The manspiration! Where is my crash helmet...

Talk about environmental inspiration. This is Perfect. You look just right, Denise. I bow in worship.

LOVE this look! I have a very similar cape. Mine is black with blue trim and maybe not quite as long as yours. I'm going to dig it out this week. Beautiful black lab. We lost ours in August. She was 16 1/2. Miss her everyday! Did I see in a chocolate in one of your pics last week? We lost her about a year and a half ago to cancer. Miss my dogs!

You just MADE MY DAY. So cool.

Great outfit! You really rock the look. The hat makes it! Maybe you need some Frye harness boots, if you don't have them? (just a thought toward your shopping list)

OMG this is so much fun! So stylish! love the hat too

What Annagybe said - you look totally cool in this outfit!

Wow. I just love this. The outfit and the history!!!! I also love how your dog took the place of a horse; he must be into Clint Eastwood too!

Spectacular!! Now, this is how you wear a poncho!

Now this is awesomeness without (as was discussed on another thread) trying too hard. You look great in this Denise. Never - until now - would I have looked to Clint for fashion inspiration. That first inspiration photo is really pretty incredible.

Just saw this. INCREDIBLE. You are an inspiration!

This is a super look on you. I am a big fan of ponchos and have added a couple to my wardrobe late last year. I figure I should snatch them up before they phase out again. They always seem to come back in style though.