Thanks for all of your nice comments, ladies.

The climate of my office doesn't really encourage sartorial experimentation, but sometimes I can't help myself.

DragonflyJane, it's McCalls 6321. Good luck

Love it, love it, love it!

I have always loved this dress on you Amy! And that jacket is NOT too small. It's closed and there is no pulling anywhere. It's just *cropped* or shrunken. I LOVE it!

Wear that outfit with pride Amy -- you look smashing in it! Maybe your coworkers will broaden their horizons satorially, with repeated exposure to your great style.

You are adorable. I love this dress, you look great.

Just found this through the A/E post & had to comment. I love this on you - everything is perfect & not wacky at all imo.

Somebody has to make them think outside the box.

Maybe you interpreted their admiration as something else. I love the dress, maybe a different jacket but it is not a deal breaker. Love the colors, makes me wish I could sew

I love this and it's not wacky at all. I'd have been staring at you trying to figure out how I could duplicate this outfit!

Ah, you ladies are so nice!

Amy! This is so awesome. I am totally going to make this dress and wear it, even. It rocks and I would love to be able to have such a cool dress in my wardrobe.

Amy, this is absolutely stunning on you.

You look gorgeous. Keep wearing it and your coworkers will figure it out.

You would totally rock that dress, Ceit!

A beautiful ensemble Amy!

Oh wow! I love this! I think you should wear it again!!

No, it's perfect! Classic and artsy at the same time!

Not too wacky at all! If your workplace doesn't "encourage sartorial experimentation" as you so graciously put it, someone has to start to push the envelope.
When I was still teaching I wore a hitched skirt with an eyelet underskirt. Someone pulled me aside to whisper that my slip was showing.