I'm kind of torn. I am wondering if I should have gotten the XS also, but I think you and I *do* have similar shoulders, although you are slimmer through the bust than me. So I'm going to go with the S, considering you will probably layer another sleeve underneath in your climate, and that they are so close fitwise. It looks smashing on you in either size!

Right Una? Could go either way, the shoulders fit in both sizes (so they'd fit you too) but the extra arm room in the S would definitely allow me easier layering capabilities. I think you'd be happier with the S, the XS is the more standard snug moto fit
Honestly, I see no difference between the pattern placement on the larger or smaller size. Much of that must be in the eye of the beholder, but don't think that anyone except you will see the difference. So choose whatever feels more comfortable for you. I typically go slightly larger in jackets, just because that is how jackets are supposed to fit in my mind. LOVE the jacket, though!
I think I would chose the larger, since it certainly doesn't look too big in any way.
The difference in the pattern placement will be a distant memory when you only have the one left.
Aida, I would take the bigger one. I see almost no difference between the two.
you probably have made a decision on this by now but I just wanted to say that you look equally fab in both sizes with slightly better in large.
I can't wait for mine to arrive -- you all look so amazing in yours.
Just realized there were a bunch more replies to this! Looks like the vote ended up fairly even in the end. I think I've decided to keep the larger size, slightly maddening pattern placement and all
Aida, I too see very little difference between the two sizes. However, the sleeve length is better on the smaller size so I vote for that one. If the bigger size were truly bigger, like intentionally bigger, I would like that too but they both look like a fitted style to me and to my eye the smaller size fits better in the sleeves. If you go for a "fitted" or "tailored" style of clothing, I vote for the garment that fits better.

But I know there are a bunch of different opinions so, take with a grain of salt.
I like the look of the smaller size better. I think it's because you pointed out more white shows. I also think it's the kind of jacket that should be fitted at the shoulders. I think something gets lost with the larger fit that makes the jacket simply riveting on you in the smaller size.
Denise and DV, I think one thing that gets a little lost in the photos is that the material is almost like a sweatshirt material. I guess am having trouble wrapping my brain around having a fitted or tight sweatshirt! I may have to resort to giving my husband and sister final sizing say, they are almost always spot on regarding fit even for items they don't like.
Another vote for the larger size : ) Can you order another one hoping for better pattern placement?
Unfortunately it is sold out now Pil, but I have made peace with both pattern placements
Aida, after wearing mine today, I'm glad I kept the larger size and I think you will be too.